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The Best Kept Secret To Staying Raw

As "The Raw Food Coach" the main focus of my work is helping people to go raw and stay raw, and if you've been reading my work for a while you'll know that I've written about the importance of three main factors that must come into play for this to be your reality:

1) Having an Inspiring Vision (also known as having "Your BIG WHY")
2) Being prepared to upgrade in any/all areas of your life as and when required to stay "in the flow", true to yourself as well as the the more raw Self you are stepping more fully into
3) Being honest about what isn't working for you and being prepared to leave things behind that bring you down.

Today I'm going to explore this subject further but in a more "extreme" way than I have ever done before. Why? Because this is what I've just been through, and still to some extent are going through, in order to reach my own next level or chapter of my journey.

Interestingly but not unusually, this week I coached a client around this same issue. This is not uncommon, often clients have exactly the same thing going on as the coach, and this was interesting for me to coach externally around and I came to the same conclusion with my client that I have recently come to with myself. And what I have discovered is this: Sometimes knowing your BIG WHY is not enough. Sometimes upgrading is not enough. And very often knowing what's holding you back can exacerbate a problem rather than solve it.

There has to be more, some other level to go to... something that is beyond what I have been prescribing for myself and clients for the past few years...

...And then in that coaching session it hit me: The truth of the matter is, sometimes a complete reinvention is what's called for... and yes, this can be both majorly exciting and/ or super downright scary.

This has come as something of a surprise in some respects and yet really, when I reflect upon this awareness I realise I am not as surprised as I thought, this is not actually a "new" realisation, it is simply one that I haven't been prepared to fully acknowledge before for fear of what it may mean - both to me and for others. But when a Truth is a Truth, we have no real choice but to run with it, and this is what my client and myself are about to do!

There is nothing I love more when uncovering these "Truths" than to work out why this must be so. And as I share this with you a corresponding awareness has already sprung to mind. Every day cells in our body die and new ones are created. The old cells are not "upgraded" they are REPLACED. Physically speaking, it is cited that we become biologically recreated cell-by-cell in just one year. And this is my point. Upgrading sometimes is insufficient, a very poor second, if what's going on in the inside is way beyond that and is quite literally creating brand new territory in (literally) which to live. I now believe that on a very deep and cellular level we are called to do the same thing around our outer terrain - in the way we live our lives, the choices we make, the actions we take and the way we show up for ourselves and others - essentially what I am speaking about is completely recreating the environment we choose create and co-create to spend our life energy in. Pretty incredible don't you think?

For anyone who has been into raw foods in a significant way for more than a few months I'm sure you will already be starting to understand what I mean. And when I reflect back on my own journey, it was after a few solid-ish months on raw foods that I realised that for me to be truly happy and truly myself, pretty much my whole life was going to have to change - and it did!

My error has been in thinking that this is a one- or two- off event, or something that happens in "the early days". Now I recognise that these reinventions have to happen on a fairly regular basis - as soon as our whole person dictates. As soon as we feel stuck or as if we need to eat junk foods to lower our vibration or awareness (to mirror back our stuckness), instead of resorting to a large tub of Ben & Jerry'sor simply trying to tweak a few things, if a pattern persists and all of the lower-level approaches are not working then this should be taken as our sign to dig as deep as we possibly can into our own current personal Truth and remodel our lives to accommodate that which we have already (silently) become, or very much desire or need to become.

So what does this mean for myself, yourself and others on this life-changing path?

It means total transparency inside and out as we recognise fully that the raw food journey is not only a fantastic way to eat and experience life physically, but just as much, if not more so, a portal to a new approach to living that means there are limitless possibilities upon limitless possibilities, and we get to "play" or "pause" on all of that. (It's knowing we have the option and are in control that counts). And the more I reflect on this, the more this crazy apparently random stage that we call life begins to have a beautiful expansive look and feel to it that should serve to be a comfort to us all rather than be seen as something scary. Fear exists when we are "out of love", with fear being the polar opposite of love. By stepping fully into all that raw food holistically means, we get to step into love and stay there for as long as we give ourselves permission to do so. And that isn't and shouldn't be seen as scary, in its most pure and innocent state it is of course a truly wonderful place to be.

When so many people in this world wish they were somewhere else, or living different lives, being happier or sometimes even wanting to end it all, it's quite amazing to recognise that when we choose to move with our body in this natural cycle of continual re-birthing, especially and specifically on high quality pure live food nutrition, we stay with love, we stay "in flow" and in doing so, we are constantly and gratefully at peace with ourselves, the world and the universe. And even though we are earthbound and sometimes fall into mistakenly believing that we are "only human", when we choose to live this way accepting that reinvention (and sometimes on a huge scale) is a natural part of the raw food journey and to be welcomed as a good sign, then no matter where we may be in the world geographically speaking, if we stay in this space of rolling with "what is" then we'll always be at home, at peace and in line with our truest Self - and that of course is a great place to be.


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Love to get your feedback

Dr. Natural

Was great speaking with you.

Would like to get your feedback on a new project we are doing with Montel Williams.

Please visit my website at and watch the ABC Prime Time

video about Protandim, a patently anti-aging product that slows cellular aging and

causes the body to develop its own defense against free radicals.

Afterward, let's talk and see how we can work together.

Also, my book, The Twelve Universal Laws of Success, is available at

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Interesting and Scary Info on Health

Hey Everyone,

I was trolling around the web and came across a website, which has what it calls "facts" on health. Now I am not recommending the site or the products, but its "Did You Know" list on health-related problems, is worth reading. Some of the info I have read before, but not all. And while I found the list intriguing, I am reluctant to call it factual, because Dr. Bill Kellas of Greenville,Texas, who runs the site, does not provide any sources. Anyway take a look.

Health Facts - Did You Know?

1. An illness is considered chronic if it has continued over 120 days -- 100 Million people in
the U.S. have a chronic illness.

2. Symptoms warn you there is a problem. If you simply mask the symptoms with a drug, it does
not eliminate the root cause. It makes as much sense as dealing with a warning light on your
cars dashboard by unplugging it.

3. We get a virus when our Immune system is not healthy. A healthy Immune System stops a virus
from infecting the body. What makes an unhealthy Immune System healthy? Enzymes, vitamins,
protein (amino acids), protective Lactobacillus (mercury kills Lactobacillus), minerals, fiber,
essential oils (anti-oxidants).

4. Enzymes are a must for optimal health. Hardening of the arteries, gall-bladder problems heart
disease, fibro-cystic breasts, and chronic illness have been linked to a lack of enzymes. How
do we destroy enzymes ? By heating and over-cooking our food.

5. Vitamins and co-enzymes must be taken with food. A vitamin-mineral supplement blocks
absorption of one or the other. Minerals must be balanced and taken on an empty stomach.

6. Synthesized vitamins are not balanced and miss some necessary nutrients. They release at the
wrong time into the system and are not bioavailable.

7. Bacteria in the mouth is more toxic than Botulism. It can cause heart disease. Infection
following root canals cause heart attacks. Most disease is caused by bacteria in the mouth.
Most bacterial infections are chronic. Most people eliminate bad breath by covering it up.

8. Sleep Problems can be eliminated by minerals, especially calcium and potassium.

9. PMS indicates poor fat/oil digestion. The body's myelin sheath is composed of fat, without it
the membrane is destroyed.

10. Soy Protein not properly processed in the body will stop digesting of protein, necessary for overall
body function.

11. DHEA tells the body not to make essential hormones. Lack of essential oils leads to cancer and

12. SAM-e, taken long-term by mouth, suppresses the body's ability to convert homocysteine into
SAM-e. The body makes its own SAM-e if we provide it with the nutrients to do so.

13. Prozac was tested for only six weeks prior to its introduction to the market. It is still uncertain how
it impacts the body. Prozac is associated with more illness and death than any other FDA
approved drug. The FDA employs only 54 people approving drugs.

14. Parasites inhabit the bodies of 50% - 80% of the U.S. population they don't even know it. Humans
can become infected with at least 30 parasitic illnesses from their pets. Oftentimes problems like
immune dysfunction, juvenile diabetes, allergies, hypoglycemia, constipation, diarrhea, depression,
and liver or lung difficulties can be helped if parasites are eliminated from the system.

15. Every minute of the day someone has a stroke. Every four minutes a stroke victim dies. Stress
is the major cause of cancer, heart attack and stroke. 2,700 people die each day from heart
disease, 1,000 people are disabled each day from heart attacks.

16. Homocysteine is a co-conspirator with high cholesterol (discovered over 30 years ago) in
causing heart disease. Protein rich foods contain an amino acid, Methionine, that converts to
homocysteine(a toxic amino acid). Excess levels of homocysteine damage the lining of
arteries, cholesterol builds up inside the scarred arteries, and can lead to fatal blockages.
Synthetic Niacin doubles homocysteine. Standard food processing causes a deficiency of
important B-vitamins, namely B6, B12, and folic acid. These nutritional deficiencies lead to a
buildup of homocysteine, an amino acid that triggers heart disease.

17. Premarin, a hormone replacement, is the most widely prescribed medicine for women in the U.
S. It was thought to be effective in lowering the risk of heart attacks (the leading killer of
women) since the 1980's. It has now been proven to have no correlation.

18. The use of aspirin and Ibuprofen is the 15th leading cause of death in the United States. More
people die from these products than die from AIDS!

19. According to the Center for Disease Control, the causes of disease are:
Heredity = 18%, Environment = 19%, Lifestyle = 15%, Medical intervention = 10%

20. Fat does not make you fat - sugar does. The body needs good fat (Omega 3 & 6 essential oils)
as they transport toxins from body. Without essential oils the myelin sheath is broken down, it can't
transport toxins, and the body is low in anti-oxidants. Bad fat = Animal fat, margarine, Hydrogenated

21. After 10 years of fat-free diets, 55% of the US population is overweight, with one in four adults
considered obese. Fat-free diets cause weight gain, degenerative disease, PMS.

22. 50% of the US population does not eat fresh fruits and vegetables at all -10% eat the daily
allotment of fruits and veggies. Fatty and sugary foods have replaced fruits and vegetables in the
American diet.

23. One fifth of the "vegetables" Americans eat today are French fries and potato chips.

24. Radiation of foods kills the nutritional value altogether. Freezing causes 40% loss of nutrient value
in foods.

25. The Standard American Diet (SAD) is damaging to the liver, resulting in allergies, digestive
problems, low energy, pain, and more serious disorders. Liver dysfunction can result in mental
fatigue, headaches, muscle pain, nerve problems, age spots, and emotional problems.

26. Food companies make more money from processed, high calorie foods, and marketing campaigns
capitalize on the natural desire for sugar.

27. Half a million chemical toxins in pre-packaged foods are approved by the FDA.

28. Food cravings are due to a lack of true nutrients in the diet. Chocolate cravings are only your body's
way of crying out for magnesium.

29. Very high protein diets and inadequate carbohydrates in the form of fruits and vegetables can be
dangerous as it leads to extreme weight loss (the body/heart eats itself and kidneys shut down) and
muscles waste. Carbohydrates are necessary to keep warm.

30. Cholesterol is made faster from sugar than fat. High levels of obesity, surging cholesterol levels,
and deficiencies in important vitamins and minerals leave individuals prone to disease.

31. Chronic illness, digestive problems, acid reflux, etc., are caused by a lack of enzymes in the body.
The liver puts out hundreds of enzymes alone. If the liver is not functioning properly, enzymes are
inhibited. Drugs inhibit liver function.

32. Your body has three salt lakes: the lymphatic system, the blood system, and the interstitial cell
system. Salt is necessary for the optimal functioning of these systems.

33. Commercial salts are processed at extremely high temperatures that eliminate the magnesium.
It contains undissolved silicate that tends to deposit itself on the interior walls of the arteries causing
clogged arteries, and it contains aluminum silicate introduced to make the salt pour easily during
humid weather. Aluminum is a toxic metal to the body. Sea salt is the healthiest salt to use.

34. Antacids contain aluminum which blocks the system necessary to detoxify our body. The result is increased allergies and weight gain. Continual use of antacids destroy the body's ability to digest food.

35. Aluminum is also the most active ingredient in most antiperspirants and deodorants. Aluminum
contributes to breast cancer in women.

36. Lactobacillus sporogenes is healthy bacteria needed for proper digestion and colon protection. Parasites destroy also breed fungus without sufficient acidophilus in the body.

37. Drugs cause loss of magnesium. Symptoms: the heart fibrillates and you become hypertensive. The most common drug given for hypertension blocks everything required for cells to work properly.

38. One million people are injured by medical intervention each year. Two million people are injured by
drugs each year. Only 1% of the injuries are actually reported.

39. AZT inhibits copper and zinc. The immune system needs copper and zinc to function optimally.

40. Birth Control Pills block vitamin absorption.

41. Vitamin B-3, Niacin, and B-12 are necessary for energy. Zinc helps make progesterone. When Zinc
is blocked or not bio-available the result is PMS.

42. Vitamin C is an anti-oxidant. In the form of Ascorbic Acid, it causes cancer. Mega doses of vitamin
C turn the C into an antihistamine which chelates copper out of your body. Calcium supplements
taken with a glass of orange juice are not utilized by the system as the vitamin C overrides the
calcium. Coral Calcium is high in heavy metals. Heavy metals tend to drop to the feet and stay

43. Vitamin E is the strongest anti-oxidant. It provides necessary oils and makes hormones work in the
body. Without vitamin E we lose the ability to fight free-radicals.

44. Low electrolytes = loose stools, difficulty sleeping, water retention
Low Potassium = pain in kidneys, shallow breathing, quick beating heart, and mid-afternoon fatigue,
Low Calcium = aching bones/joints
Low Salt = cold hands/feet and low energy

45. Synthetic vitamins and supplements take 1-4 years off your life expectancy due to the body's

increased effort to digest them. Synthetic vitamins and minerals bind with absorbable vitamins and
minerals in the body and eliminate them from the body.

46. 10,000 people die each year from an overdose of aspirin. Aspirin can remain in the system up to 7

47. Fluoride comes from Fluorine, a bi-product of fertilizer. It's a carcinogenic and blocks calcium absorption. Note the warning about Fluoride on the back of every toothpaste

48. Mercury fillings, combined with saliva in the mouth, act like a battery and conduct electrical energy. This eventually burns out the nervous system. Mercury also causes
potassium deficiency in the body. It is now illegal to put mercury in batteries due to toxicity but still
ok to put in the mouth.

49. Toxic heavy metals, chemicals and radioactive wastes are being recycled as fertilizer and spread
over farmers' fields nationwide -- and there is no federal law requiring that they be listed as
ingredients. Manufacturers can get rid of low-level radioactive waste by licensing it as liquid
fertilizer and spraying it over crops. Substances considered hazardous in the plant are not
considered hazardous when included in fertilizer.

50. It takes 32 glasses of water to flush the acid from one can of soda pop out of your system.

51. Periodontal disease causes you to lose 6.4 years of life expectancy.

52. Tap water across the Midwest is contaminated by dangerously high levels of weed killer that pose
a cancer risk to bottle-fed babies since babies consume an average of three 8-ounce bottles each
day. Infants fed formula made with contaminated tap water receive a lifetime dose of toxins in the
first four months of their lives!

53. Organic labeling does not protect you against toxins as organic products can be treated with
pesticides. Non-Detectable labeling assures you that there are absolutely no pesticides used!

54. If an aloe products is approved by the Aloe Science Council, you are guaranteed it does what it
says it does. Some commercial aloe's only contain one-tenth of 1% aloe in a gallon bottle. Aloe
products can contain 1000 gallons of water and 1 gallon of Aloe and still be advertised as 100%
stabilized. A little Aloe will only do a little good. The only protection the public has is the integrity of
the manufacturer.

55. MSM should not be used by those with mercury fillings in their mouth. It drives metals into the brain
and causes Alzheimer's.

56. After drinking a glass of milk each day for 365 days, you have consumed enough antibiotics to fill
a glass.

57. Whiplash/head injury causes the body to carry the head with bone, not muscles, and produces
extreme discomfort.

58. Unwrapped toothpicks and candies at cash registers in restaurants often contain fecal matter from
people who failed to wash their hands after using the restroom and then took a toothpick or candy

59. In 1997, there were 7 prescription drugs that sold over $1 Billion per year:
Prozac - Antidepressant
Zantac - Ulcers
Prilosec - Hyper-acidic
Zoloft - Anti-depressant
Zocor - High Cholesterol
Procardia - High Blood Pressure
Neo-Progen - Side-effects of chemotherapy

60. 90,000 people die each year from infections that they contract while in the hospital.
100,000 people die each year from adverse drug reactions. Legally prescribed medications are
among the leading cause of death in the U.S. Illicit drugs kill 5,000 - 10,000 people each year.
$200 Billion a year is spent on headache relief, yet 90% of headaches are caused by lack of water
in the body.
1 billion dollars is spent on prescription drugs each year.
20 million people are presently diagnosed with Osteoarthritis.
5 million people are presently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.



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By Trevor Hunnicutt, Associated Press Writer – Tuesday, Aug. 10

FRESNO, Calif. – Glenn Anderson decided to make a change when he followed in his father's footsteps by growing almonds near the Central Valley town of Hilmar — he stopped using pesticides and pasteurizing the nuts.
He said it's paid off in happy customers and sold-out harvests, but Anderson, 76, said he fears federal regulations could ruin his business selling raw, organic almonds. He's hopeful an effort by a dozen California almond growers and retailers to challenge the U.S. Department of Agriculture over its rules will succeed.
The USDA adopted the regulations requiring that nuts be steamed or treated with a chemical in response to salmonella outbreaks in 2001 and 2004 blamed on raw almonds that left some sickened.
Anderson, who isn't among the plaintiffs, called the USDA rules misguided.
"We are as clean as or cleaner than a pasteurized product," said Anderson. "My customers are willing to take that risk."
Those challenging the USDA scored a legal victory last week when a U.S. Court of Appeals judge ruled they could proceed with a lawsuit challenging the regulations.
The almond producers, not all of whom are organic, said the rules have sabotaged their businesses by not allowing them to compete with foreign-produced raw almonds.
They also objected to requirements that they steam the nuts or spray them with propylene oxide, which is widely used but concerns some farmers because it has been identified by the Environmental Protection Agency as a probable carcinogen. The EPA allows the use of PPO, as it is known, in small amounts not believed to harm human health.
Michael Jarvis, a spokesman for the USDA's Agricultural Marketing Services, said the federal government is reviewing the Aug. 3 decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Jarvis declined to comment further.
The Modesto-based Almond Board, the trade group that recommended the rules, defended the regulations.
"The food quality and safety program, including pasteurization, went into effect in 2007, and was developed after an extended, transparent process involving all segments of the almond industry," the board said in a statement.
Anderson said he is able to continue producing his almonds naturally — for now — because he is a small business and often sells directly to consumers. But other farmers said the rule has hurt them and left many customers agitated.
"Yes, people are incensed," said Jesse Schwartz, whose Berkeley, Calif.-based Living Tree Community Foods makes organic almond butter. "People want their almonds back."
Raw foods comprise most of the 67-year-old entrepreneur's diet, and Schwartz describes almonds as a "gift of the California earth, air and water." He thinks it's the most healthful nut.
"I feel I have all the energy that I need to accomplish whatever I have to do," said Schwartz.
Growers note that while their almonds must either be chemically treated or heated by steam to about 200 degrees to kill salmonella and other contaminants, their products share the shelves at organic-friendly supermarkets such as Trader Joe's, Whole Foods and Fresh and Easy with foreign-grown almonds that are not treated with steam.
Some people believe the steam compromises the taste and possibly nutritional value of the nut — a claim disputed by public health experts — and farmers said it adds cost as well.
California produces nearly all of the nation's almonds and 85 percent of the world's supply, according to the Almond Board. Organics represents a small percentage of that total, but it has been growing.
Some public health experts said even if raw organic almond producers don't subject their almonds to pasteurization, the nuts might be safer than conventionally produced almonds because the organic farms don't use pesticides and often are careful about exposing their crop to contaminants such as animal waste because that could threaten their organic certification.
Dr. Robert S. Lawrence, a professor at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, said studies have shown that under 1 percent of almonds are contaminated by a variety of salmonella strains. He compares that to much higher percentages in some meats.
"If the rest of our food supply were that safe, we'd be shouting for joy, so I can appreciate and sympathize with the producers who are asking to be relieved of this burden," said Lawrence.

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positive news around the world


His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
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Wednesday, 11 August 2010 06:54:49 PM CST

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Columbia sees unprecedented Presidential oath
11 August 2010 - Colombia inaugurated a new President on 7 August. That morning, before the ceremony that would inaugurate the new President in front of Congress, Colombian leaders, and foreign dignitaries, the new President decided to do something that had never been done in modern history -- he chose to do a symbolic swearing-in, which he called a spiritual oath of office. President-elect Juan Manuel Santos, his wife, Maria Clemencia Rodriguez, and three children began the day high in the Caribbean coastal mountains in Seijua, a sacred area north of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, at a 'passing of the baton' ritual presided over by Mamos (indigenous leaders) from the Koguis, Wiwas, Arhuacos, and Kankuamos nations. Global Good News readers may be interested to know President Santos met with Maharishi in MERU in the late 1990's and is a practitioner of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation. (more)

Philanthropy becoming new status symbol for wealthy Americans
11 August 2010 - As dozens of US billionaires pledge their fortunes to charity and the country struggles to shake off recession, philanthropy is a growing status symbol of the rich, experts say. Being wealthy may no longer be about how many properties or fast cars a millionaire owns -- it could be about how much money they are giving away -- bringing hope to charities that Warren Buffett and Bill Gates' philanthropic push inspires others. (more)

Revamp of city building a shining example for South Africa
11 August 2010 - The TAU building in Pretoria has undergone a R30-million makeover, which has turned it into a shining example of development in South Africa. Once derelict, it has now been converted into a combined village that boasts 81 self-contained family units. It also boasts a home for Lerato House, which caters for girls who are at risk; eight units for the elderly; two for people with disabilities, a creche, bakery, internet cafe, and laundromat. A third of the units at the village will be rented out to people earning less than R3,500 a month while the remaining units will be rented to those who earn between R3,501 and R7,500 a month. (more)

South Africa: Business confidence improves on back of recession
11 August 2010 - South Africa's Business Confidence Index (BCI) in July recorded the second highest reading this year at 84.3 points, the South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SACCI) has said. The July 2010 figure of 84.3 points is 1.1 point above the July 2009 level following on June 2010's 84.8 points. BCI'S composite weighted index of 13 sub-indices include new vehicle sales and merchandise import and export volumes. SACCI said that relative to July 2009, eight of the BCI sub-indices improved. (more)

US: San Francisco Bay Area soon to be home to 5,050 more EV charging stations
11 August 2010 - The Air Quality Management District of the San Francisco Bay Area, is funnelling $5 million into an initiative to roll out 3,000 electric vehicle home chargers, 2,000 public chargers in commercial areas, and as many as 50 rapid charging stations along nearby highways (capable of juicing car batteries in 30 minutes or less). The goal is to spur wider adoption of plug-in vehicles. The key will be to make charging stations accessible wherever people need to go, allowing them to quickly and efficiently extend the range of their green cars without high prices or the hassle of long waits. (more)

Venezuela, Colombia restore diplomatic ties
11 August 2010 - The Presidents of Colombia and Venezuela agreed Tuesday to restore diplomatic relations severed nearly three weeks ago by Caracas, smoothing over a dispute over allegations Colombian rebels have camps in Venezuela. The rapprochement came during a four-hour meeting between Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and Colombia's new leader, Juan Manuel Santos, both of whom said they are starting to rebuild confidence shattered during years of quarrelling. (more)

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Holistic Health is actually an approach to life. Rather than focusing on illness or specific parts of the body, this ancient approach to health considers the whole person and how he or she interacts with his or her environment. It emphasizes the connection of mind, body, and spirit. The goal is to achieve maximum well-being, where everything is functioning the very best that is possible. With Holistic Health people accept responsibility for their own level of well-being, and everyday choices are used to take charge of one's own health.

How Holistic Health Developed

Ancient healing traditions, as far back as 5,000 years ago in India and China, stressed living a healthy way of life in harmony with nature. Socrates (4th century BC) warned against treating only one part of the body "for the part can never be well unless the whole is well." Although the term holism was introduced by Jan Christiaan Smuts in 1926 as a way of viewing living things as "entities greater than and different from the sum of their parts," it wasn't until the 1970s that holistic became a common adjective in our modern vocabulary.

Holistic concepts fell temporarily out of favor in Western societies during the 20th century. Scientific medical advances had created a dramatic shift in the concept of health. Germs were identified as outside sources causing disease. Gaining health became a process of killing microscopic invaders with synthesized drugs. People believed that they could get away with unhealthy lifestyle choices, and modern medicine would "fix" them as problems developed.

However, for some conditions medical cures have proven more harmful than the disease. In addition, many chronic conditions do not respond to scientific medical treatments. In looking for other options, people are turning back to the holistic approach to health and healing. The Holistic Health lifestyle is regaining popularity each year, as the holistic principles offer practical options to meet the growing desire for enjoying a high level of vitality and well-being.

The Basic Principles of Holistic Health

Holistic Health is based on the law of nature that a whole is made up of interdependent parts. The earth is made up of systems, such as air, land, water, plants and animals. If life is to be sustained, they cannot be separated, for what is happening to one is also felt by all of the other systems. In the same way, an individual is a whole made up of interdependent parts, which are the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. When one part is not working at its best, it impacts all of the other parts of that person. Furthermore, this whole person, including all of the parts, is constantly interacting with everything in the surrounding environment. For example, when an individual is anxious about a history exam or a job interview, his or her nervousness may result in a physical reaction--such as a headache or a stomach ache. When people suppress anger at a parent or a boss over a long period of time, they often develop a serious illness--such as migraine headaches, emphysema, or even arthritis.

The principles of Holistic Health state that health is more than just not being sick. A common explanation is to view wellness as a continuum along a line. The line represents all possible degrees of health. The far left end of the line represents premature death. On the far right end is the highest possible level of wellness or maximum well-being. The center point of the line represents a lack of apparent disease. This places all levels of illness on the left half of the wellness continuum. The right half shows that even when no illness seems to be present, there is still a lot of room for improvement.

Holistic Health is an ongoing process. As a lifestyle, it includes a personal commitment to be moving toward the right end of the wellness continuum. No matter what their current status of health, people can improve their level of well-being. Even when there are temporary setbacks, movement is always headed toward wellness.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that the key factors influencing an individual's state of health have not changed significantly over the past 20 years. Quality of medical care is only 10%. Heredity accounts for 18% and environment is 19%. Everyday lifestyle choices are 53%. The decisions people make about their life and habits are, therefore, by far the largest factor in determining their state of wellness.

The most obvious choices people make each day is what they "consume"--both physically and mentally. The cells in a person's body are constantly being replaced. New cells are built from what is available. Harmful substances or lack of needed building blocks in the body can result in imperfect cells, unable to do what is required to keep that person healthy. Similarly, on the non-physical level, a person's mental attitudes are "built" from what they see and hear.

The majority of illnesses and premature death can be traced back to lifestyle choices. There are the well-known dangers connected with drugs, alcohol, nicotine, and unprotected sexual activity. Less recognized is the impact of excesses in things like sugar, caffeine, and negative attitudes. Combined with deficiencies in exercise, nutritious foods, and self-esteem, these gradually accumulate harmful effects. With time they diminish the quality of the "environment" within that human being, and can set the stage for illness to take hold. Quality of life, now and in the future, is actually being determined by a multitude of seemingly unimportant choices made everyday.

How Holistic Health Is Practiced

While preventing illness is important, Holistic Health focuses on reaching higher levels of wellness. The right half of the wellness continuum invites people to constantly explore which everyday actions work for them and discovering what is appropriate to move them toward maximum well-being. People are motivated by how good it feels to have lots of energy and enthusiasm for life, knowing that what they are doing that day will allow them to continue to feel this great for years to come.

When disease and chronic conditions do occur, the Holistic Health principles can also be applied. The term is usually changed to holistic medicine, and additional factors are added. The healthcare professionals using the holistic approach work in partnership with their patients. They recommend treatments that support the body's natural healing system and consider the whole person and the whole situation.

A holistic approach to healing goes beyond just eliminating symptoms. For example, taking an aspirin for a headache would be like disconnecting the oil light on the dash of a car when it flashes. The irritation is eliminated, but the real problem still exists. In holistic medicine, a symptom is considered a message that something needs attention. So, the symptom is used as a guide to look below the surface for the root cause. Then what really needs attention can be addressed.

The Benefits of Holistic Health

Holistic Health supports reaching higher levels of wellness as well as preventing illness. People enjoy the vitality and well-being that results from their positive lifestyle changes, and are motivated to continue this process throughout their lives.
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1. Assuming he can get a raging hard on when it suits you. Contrary to popular belief, men can't just flip a switch and get it up because you decided to stop being a frigid bitch. Getting it hard is your job. I suggest you figure it out.

2. Thinking that kissing needs to be this sweet romantic thing all the time. Sometimes pressing your lips against your partners mouth while you get off is the hot. It depends on the situation.

3. Leaving him responsible for your orgasm. You know what gets you off. Tell him. If you don't, it's your own fault when he's snoozing and you're all wound up.

4. Expecting him to cuddle. Men and women are wired differently. Sex makes most women want to talk and bond and all that shit. It makes men pass out. It's a biological thing. Stop fighting it, and stop holding it over his head, it's not his fault.

5. Expecting him to fall asleep with you in his arms. That shit is uncomfortable after awhile. A little snuggling isn't unreasonable, but when it's time to actually sleep? An arm draped over you should suffice.

6. Expecting him to always lay on the charm and romance. Sometimes, that's nice. Sometimes. But expecting him to be all roses and candles all the time is like expecting you to act like a pornstar all the time. If you're not willing to do that, don't expect him to switch for you.

7. Being selfish in bed. Regardless of the shit that Cosmo forces down our throats, sex is NOT just about us. Get over it.

8. Using Cosmo as a sex bible. I dont know who comes up with half that shit, but I'm pretty sure they need counseling.

9. Whining when he pushes your head down on his cock instead of stroking your hair. Know why he's pushing, skippy? Because you aren't doing it right, and have apparently ignored the other clues he's given you. Pay attention to the signals that he's sending you.

10. Not moving at all. Missionary is not an excuse to do nothing.

11. Expecting him to undress himself with any amount of grace. He's about to get some pussy. Be glad he bothered to take his pants all the way off. If it concerns you so much, undress him yourself.

12. Not shaving your legs. Im pretty bad at this myself. But if you want your guy stubble free, you better get out the razor.

13. Allowing your crotch to resemble the amazon. Yes, waxing hurts. Yes, some people don't want to go bare. Thats fine. If you like bush, great. If you have sensitive skin and can't shave, I feel for you. But for the love of Christ, trim that shit if you want him to spend any time down there.

14. Assuming that sex means a relationship. The only relationship you have is that he has now stuck his hoo hoo dilly in your cha cha. That's as far as it goes unless otherwise noted.

15. Withholding oral sex just because you're ragging. He didn't do it. Unless you want him to withhold oral sex because he's hormonal, I suggest you get some kneepads.

16. Expecting him to figure out what you like by what noise you make. Use your words. Have you ever actually heard what you sound like while you're having sex? If you heard yourself on tape, and someone asked you to explain what was causing you to make that noise, 67% of women would respond with answers like "I stubbed my toe" "I ran up the steps" or "I was putting up drywall".

17. Leaving condoms up to him. If you're sexually active and insist that he uses a condom, I suggest buying a box and keeping it by your bed. Not all men keep them on them, and it's just as much your responsibility as it is his. If you think that makes you a slut, you shouldn't be having sex anyway. Go back to Jr High.

18. Getting your undies in a bunch when he talks dirty. A little fantasy can be fun. If he treats you with respect all the time, you shouldn't be offended when he calls you his dirty little slut. When he calls you a whore and tells you to come, its his way of showing that he cares if you get off. Stop being a sissy.

19. Refusing to be spontaneous. I know this is shocking, but sometimes sex OUTSIDE of the bedroom is fun.

20. Dissing quickies because it's not some slow sensual ordeal. Sex is a dynamic thing. Theres an awesome raw energy when you only have 20 minutes but having to have someone so bad that you do it half clothed against the wall. Readjust your thinking.

21. Being too much of a pussy to tell him what is or isn't acceptable before you start bumping uglies. Be honest. If he asks if he can poke you in the butt, and you giggle and say no like it's an invitation, don't look surprised when he "accidentally" sticks his cock in your butt.

22. Expecting him to undress you. I put a bra on almost every day. I know for a fact that getting them off isn't always easy. Help a brother out.

23. Undressing in the dark. If youre shy, dim the lights, but give the man something to see. No ripping off the clothes and diving under the covers, either.

24. Refusing to get on top. Theres no reason men should have to do all the work.

25. Getting that bored look on your face. Men are more visual than women. Give him something to look at. Get on top and arch your back a little bit. Move. Do something to indicate that you 1) are not dead and 2) didn't suffer a minor stroke rendering you unable to move.

26. Expecting him to do all the touching when you're riding him. It's your body, you're used to it. Play with your tits, rub your clit, do something to make his job easier.

27. Being too afraid to guide your partner's hand when hes touching you. Don't like the way he's doing it? Gently take his hand and show him how you like it.

28. Getting into bed, getting naked, fooling around and then deciding that you just want to cuddle, then getting offended when he doesn't. Its your choice to stop, but don't look all fucking surprised when he's confused. You got him naked in your bed, what else did you think was going to happen?

29. Refusing to let him take control. So your a feminist. Big fucking deal. Letting him call the shots doesn't make you any less of one.

30. Refusing to take control. Its ok to crawl across a bed to him on all fours, push him down and crawl on top. It's not his responsibility to start things all the time.

31. Forgetting that he has a body that likes to be touched, too. Men have things like backs and shoulders and stomachs and other parts that are fun to kiss and touch. You miss a lot of good places by concentrating solely on his penis.

32. Ignoring his balls. Seriously, they are there. Kiss them, lick them, suck on them, make a relationship with them, just don't ignore them.

33. Leaving him to his own devices. Nothing is worse than a girl who gets you most of the way off and then bolts because she doesn't want to deal with the mess.

34. Launching into some speech about not being an object for sex when he tries to titty fuck you. Jesus Christ, just push them together and enjoy yourself. You get a great view.

35. Expecting him to handle you like a porcelain doll. I'd hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you're not going to break, sister. So doing it against the wall gives you a bruise on your shoulder. Look at it later and giggle at the memory.

36. Refusing to try things in the name of "making love". You're not making anything. You are naked. With another person. Making strange faces and weird noises. Stop romanticizing it.

37. Taking things way too seriously. Sex is funny. Actually it's hilarious. Somewhere along the line, someone is going to fall off of a bed, hit their head on a lighting fixture, accidentally kick a midget or trip over a goat. It's how you deal with it that really matters.

38. Throwing a bitch fit when he asks for a 3 some. Its the American dream. (I know my ex is reading this right now, so a quick interjection. One request for a 3 some is ok. Every 5 minutes, not so much. Know the difference).

39. Continuing a blow job knowing that you have god awful cotton mouth. Really. Grab a bottle of water.

40. Nails. Its one thing tracing them up and down your partners back. Its another when you snag the goods with a claw.

41. Bitching when you get jizz on you. You're having sex. That will happen. Thats the entire point of sex. Establish where he can and cant jizz and be done with it. Remember, it tightens the pores.

42. Not making any noises at all. Moan. Scream his name. Something so he knows he's the best you've had, even if he isn't.

43. Faking orgasms. Just. Don't. By faking (IF he believes you) he thinks he's doing everything right. And if he doesn't know its not working, he's not going to change it. Starting a vicious cycle of unfulfilling sex which will eventually be very damaging to his ego.

44. Not washing before sex. I know that sex is spontaneous, this is more of a general statement. If you haven't showered that day, and things smell a little...fishy...perhaps demanding oral sex is a little ridiculous of you.

45. Anything that involves inserting anything into his body that he has not specifically approved before hand. I don't care what Cosmo says, some things are simply not pleasant surprises.

46. Refusing to use oils/whipped cream/other messy but fun things because you have 541510630 count Egyptian cotton sheets that were made by hand by the only person alive capable of sewing that pattern. They'll wash.

47. Doing all of your before bed things before sex. Yes, sleeping with makeup on is bad. Now is not the time to remove it, you can do that later. And really fucking you with your hair in a ratty scrunchie with acne cream on your nose is not all its cracked up to be.

48. Cleaning up after sex. Wiping the splooge off is one thing. But changing the sheets immediately so you can get the other ones in the washer and then sanitizing everything your naked body might have possibly passed by is not the way to do it.

49. Making a big deal out of it if he loses his hard on. This is not an interrogation, or 20 questions. It happens, he's probably mortified and you are NOT helping. Refrain from using phrases like "it happens to every guy". Just move to other activities until it gets hard again, and if it doesn't, get off another way with him. He's still capable of getting you off. Mumbling "Forget it" and rolling over are not ok.

50. Asking questions right afterwards. The woman equivalent of "was it good for you?". Now is not a good time to ask "What this means". Right now, it means he probably needs to take a drink, a leak and a nap, perhaps not in that order.

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Exercise. "Sexual activity is a form of physical exercise," according to Dr. Michael Cirigliano of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Making love three times a week burns around 7,500 calories in a year -- the equivalent of jogging 75 miles. Heavy Breathing. A night of love can raise the amount of oxygen in cells, helping to keep organs and tissues functioning at their peak. Strong Bones and Muscles. "Any kind of physical exercise is going to increase testosterone," states Dr. Karen Donahey, director of the Sex and Marital Therapy Program at Chicago's Northwestern University Medical Center. Testosterone is believed to help keep men's bones and muscles strong. Lowered Cholesterol. Making love regularly can lower levels of the body's total cholesterol slightly, while positively changing the ratio of good-to-bad cholesterol. Pain Relief. Sex can lower levels of "arthritic pain, whiplash pain and headache pain," according to Dr. Beverly Whipple, president-elect of the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists. Hormones that are released during sexual excitement and orgasm can elevate pain thresholds. DHEA -- Without Supplements. DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), a popular supplemental hormone, is released naturally during lovemaking. "Just before orgasm and ejaculation," Crenshaw says, "DHEA spikes to levels three to five times higher than usual." Prostate Protection. Researchers say prostate trouble may arise or be worsened by fluid buildup within the gland. Regular ejaculation will help wash out those fluids. Be cautious when suddenly changing frequency -- sudden changes may also trigger prostate problems. Stress Relief. "Sex can be a very effective way of reducing stress levels," Donahey told Men's Health. Love Will Keep Us Together. Crenshaw says affectionate touch will increase levels of oxytocin -- the "bonding hormone." Oxytocin is a desire-enhancing chemical secreted by the pituitary. Regular oxytocin release may help encourage frequent lovemaking. Hormones -- Naturally. "Regular lovemaking can increase a woman's estrogen level, protect her heart and keep her vaginal tissues more supple," states Donahey.
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Aladura Various prophet-healing churches founded since c.1918, West Nigeria. 1 million Generally monotheistic; a mix of Anglican, Pentecostal and traditional African beliefs. Strong emphasis on healing and salvation in this life through prayer, fasting and other rituals. Not emphasized; views vary. Spiritual healing is central. Mix of Anglican and African rituals; a prophet plays a prominent role. None ReligionFacts article

Revival of Norse and Germanic paganism, 1970s Scandinavia and USA. unknown Polytheistic, Norse gods and goddesses, Norse creation myths. Salvation or redemption not emphasized. Fatalistic view of universe. Valhalla (heaven) for death in battle; Hel (peaceful place) for most; Hifhel (hell) for the very evil. Sacrifice of food or drink, toast to the gods, shamanism (less frequently), celebration of solstice holidays. Nine Noble Virtues is moral code. Eddas (Norse epics); the Havamal (proverbs attributed to Odin) ReligionFacts article

Asatru Alliance

Atheism Appears throughout history (including ancient Greek philosophy), but especially after the Enlightenment (19th cent). 1.1 billion (this figure includes agnostic and non-religious, which tend to be grouped on surveys) There is no God or divine being. Beliefs about the universe usually based on latest scientific findings. Since there is no afterlife, this one life is of great importance. Only humans can help themselves and each other solve the world's problems. none none Influential works include those by Marx, Freud, Feuerbach, and Voltaire. Notable modern authors include Richard Dawkins and Carl Sagan. The Secular Web

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Baha'i Faith

Founded by Bahá'u'lláh, 1863, Tehran, Iran. 5-7 million One God, who has revealed himself progressively through major world religions. The soul is eternal and essentially good. Purpose of life is to develop spiritually and draw closer to God. Soul separates from the body and begins a journey towards or away from God. Heaven and hell are states of being. Daily prayer, avoidance of intoxicants, scripture reading, hard work, education, work for social justice and equality. Writings of Bahá'u'lláh and other Bahá'í leaders ReligionFacts section

The Baha'i World
Bön Indigenous religion of Tibet. 100,000 Nontheistic Buddhism, but meditation on peaceful and wrathful deities. Purpose is to gain enlightenment. Reincarnation until gain enlightenment Meditation on mandalas and Tibetan deities, astrology, monastic life. Bonpo canon ReligionFacts article

Founded by Siddharta Gautama (the Buddha) in c. 520 BC, NE India. 360 million Varies: Theravada atheistic; Mahayana more polytheistic. Buddha taught nothing is permanent. Purpose is to avoid suffering and gain enlightenment and release from cycle of rebirth, or at least attain a better rebirth by gaining merit. Reincarnation (understood differently than in Hinduism, with no surviving soul) until gain enlightenment Meditation, mantras, devotion to deities (in some sects), mandalas (Tibetan) Tripitaka (Pali Canon); Mahayana sutras like the Lotus Sutra; others. ReligionFacts section

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Cao Dai

Founded in 1926, Vietnam by Ngo Van Chieu and others based on a séance. 4-6 million God represented by Divine Eye. Founders of Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity venerated, and saints including Victor Hugo. Goal is peace and harmony in each person and in the world. Salvation by "cultivating self and finding God in self." Reincarnation. Bad karma can lead to rebirth on a darker planet; good karma to better life on earth. Eventual attainment of nirvana or heaven. Hierarchy similar to Roman Catholicism. Daily prayer. Meditation. Communication with spirit world (now outlawed in Vietnam). Caodai canon ReligionFacts article
Chinese Religion

Indigenous folk religion of China. 394 million Dualistic yin and yang; mythological beings and folk deities. Purpose is a favorable life and peaceful afterlife, attained through rituals and honoring of ancestors. Judgment, then reincarnation or temporary hell until gain a Buddhist-type paradise. Ancestor worship, prayer,

longevity practices

, divination, prophecy and astrology, feng shui.

None ReligionFacts section

Chinese Cultural Studies
Chopra Center

Founded by Deepak Chopra in 1991, California unknown monism - God or Supreme Reality pervades all things; all is unity Humans have limitless potential, but do not recognize this. Health and success can be had by focusing on whole self (mind, body, spirit). Reincarnation Yoga, meditation, massage, nutrition, mindfulness, detox sessions, positive thinking. Deepak Chopra's many books, such as the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success ReligionFacts article

Official Website
Christianity (Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox)

Founded by Jesus Christ in c. 30 AD, Israel. 2 billion One God who is a Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit All have sinned and are thereby separated from God. Salvation is through faith in Christ and, for some, sacraments and good works. Eternal heaven or hell (or temporary purgatory). Prayer, Bible study, baptism, Eucharist (Communion), church on Sundays, numerous holidays. The Bible
(Old and New Testaments)
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Christian Science

Founded by Mary Baker Eddy in 1879, Massachusetts. 150,000 - 400,000 One God. No Trinity (in traditional sense). Matter and evil do not exist. Salvation is "Life, Truth, and Love understood and demonstrated as supreme over all; sin, sickness and death destroyed." Heaven is "not a locality, but a divine state of Mind in which all the manifestations of Mind are harmonious and immortal." Spiritual healing through prayer and knowledge, Sunday services, daily Bible and Science & Health reading. Christian Bible, Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures ReligionFacts article

Official Website

Founded by Confucius (551–479 BC), China 5-6 million Not addressed Purpose of life is to fulfill one's role in society with propriety, honor, and loyalty. Not addressed Honesty, politeness, propriety, humaneness, perform correct role in society, loyalty to family, nation Analects ReligionFacts article

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Thomas Paine
Especially popularized in the 18th-cent. Enlightenment under Kant, Voltaire, Paine, Jefferson, and others unknown One Creator God who is uninterested in the world. Reason is basis for all knowledge. Not addressed Not addressed None prescribed, although some deists practice prayer. Thomas Paine's The Age of Reason and similar texts World Union of Deists


Druze star
Al-Darazi in 11th century, Cairo, Egypt. Roots in the Isma'iliyya sect of Shia Islam. 500,000 Universal Intelligence (al-Aql al-Kulli) or Divine Essence (akin to Neoplatonism), of which al-Hakim is believed to be an incarnation. Live a good life for a favorable reincarnation. Await the re-appearance of al-Hakim (a Fatimid caliph who disappeared in 1021), who will usher in a Golden Age for true believers. Reincarnation. Heaven is a spiritual existence when one has escaped reincarnation. Hell is distance from God in lifetime after lifetime. Modest lifestyles, fasting before Eid al-Adha. Beliefs and practices are hidden for protection from persecution. Special group of initiates called uqqal. Al-Naqd al-Khafi (Copy of the Secret); Al-Juz'al-Awwal (Essence of the First) Wikipedia


John Paul Twitchell in 1965, Las Vegas. 50-500,000 The Divine Spirit, called "ECK" "Each of us is Soul, a spark of God sent to this world to gain spiritual experience." Salvation is liberation and God-realization. Reincarnation. The Soul is eternal by nature and on a spiritual journey. Liberation possible in a single lifetime. Spiritual Exercises of ECK: mantras, meditation, and dreams. These enable Soul travel and spiritual growth. Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad and books by Harold Klemp ReligionFacts article

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Epicurus in c.300 BC, Athens. unknown A deistic sort of polytheism: the gods exist, but take no notice of humans. Materialism: everything is made of atoms, including gods and the soul. No afterlife. The soul dissolves when the body dies. Pursue the highest pleasures (friendship and tranquility) and avoid pain. Letters and Principal Doctrines of Epicurus ReligionFacts article
Falun Gong

Li Hongzhi in 1992 in China 10 million Countless gods and spiritual beings. Demonic aliens. The Falun (wheel) is an energy source located in the navel. Goal is spritual transcendence, achieved by practicing Falun Gong. Not addressed Five exercises to strengthen the Falun. Cultivation of truthfulness, benevolence and forbearance. Meat eating discouraged. Zhuan Falun and other writings by Master Li ReligionFacts article

Various teachers including Valentinus, 1st-2nd cents. AD ancient form extinct; small modern revival groups The supreme God is unknowable; the creator god is evil and matter is evil. Humans can return to the spiritual world through secret knowledge of the universe. Return to the spiritual world. Asceticism, celibacy Gnostic scriptures including various Gospels and Acts attributed to apostles. Wikipedia
Greek Religion

Variety of religions of ancient Greeks ancient form extinct Olympic pantheon (Zeus, etc.) mixed with eastern deities like Isis and Cybele Human life is subject to the whim of the gods and to Fate; these can be controlled through sacrifice and divination. Beliefs varied from no afterlife to shadowy existence in the underworld to a paradise-like afterlife (mainly in mystery religions). Animal sacrifice, harvest offerings, festivals, games, processions, dance, plays, in honor of the gods. Secret initiations and rituals in mystery religions. Epic poems of Homer and Hesiod. ReligionFacts section


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Hare Krishna

Hare Krishna
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, 1966, USA (with roots in 15th-century Hindu movement) 250,000-1 million Krishna is the Supreme God. Salvation from this Age of Kali is by a return to Godhead, accomplished through Krishna-Consciousness. Reincarnation until unite with the Godhead. Chanting, dancing, evangelism, vegetarianism, temple worship, monastic-style living. The Bhagavad-Gita As It Is ReligionFacts article

Indigenous religion of India as developed to present day. 900 million One Supreme Reality (Brahman) manifested in many gods and goddesses Humans are in bondage to ignorance and illusion, but are able to escape. Purpose is to gain release from rebirth, or at least a better rebirth. Reincarnation until gain enlightenment. Yoga, meditation, worship (puja), devotion to a god or goddess, pilgrimage to holy cities, live according to one's dharma (purpose/ role). The Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana, etc. ReligionFacts section

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Muhammad, 622 AD, Saudi Arabia 1.3 billion (Sunni: 940 million) One God (Allah in Arabic) Humans must submit (islam) to the will of God to gain Paradise after death. Paradise or Hell. Five Pillars: Faith, Prayer, Alms, Pilgrimage, Fasting. Mosque services on Fridays. Ablutions before prayer. No alcohol or pork. Holidays related to the pilgrimage and fast of Ramadan. Qur'an (Scripture); Hadith (tradition) ReligionFacts section

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Mahavira, c. 550 BC, eastern India 4 million The universe is eternal; many gods exist. Gods, humans and all living things are classified in a complex hierarchy. The soul is uncreated and eternal and can attain perfect divinity. Purpose is to gain liberation from cycle of rebirth, by avoiding all bad karma, especially by causing no harm to any sentient being. Reincarnation until liberation. Monasticism under the Five Great Vows (Non-Violence, Truth, Celibacy, Non-Stealing, Non-Possessiveness); worship at temples and at home. Meditation and mantras. The teachings of Mahavira in various collections. ReligionFacts section

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Jehovah's Witnesses

Charles Taze Russell, 1879, Pittsburgh 6.5 million One God, Jehovah. No Trinity - Christ is the first creation of God; the Holy Spirit is a force. Salvation is through faith in Christ and obeying Jehovah's laws. The End of the World is soon. Heaven for 144,000 chosen Witnesses, eternity on new earth for other Witnesses. All others annihilated. No hell. No blood transfusions, no celebration of holidays, no use of crosses or religious images. Baptism, Sunday service at Kingdom Hall, strong emphasis on evangelism. New World Translation of the Scriptures ReligionFacts section

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The religion of the Hebrews (c. 1300 BC), especially after the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 AD. 14 million One God, Yahweh (YHVH). Obey God's commandments, live ethically. Focus is more on this life than the next. Not historically emphasized. Beliefs vary from no afterlife to shadowy existence to the World to Come (similar to heaven). Circumcision at birth, bar/bat mitzvah at adulthood. Synagogue services on Saturdays. No pork or other non-kosher foods. Holidays related to historical events. Bible (Tanakh), Talmud ReligionFacts section

Judaism 101

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Mayan Religion

c.250 AD (rise of the Mayan civilization) Historically, up to 2 million. Some survival today. Many gods, including Itzamná, Kukulcán, Bolon Tzacab, and Chac Appease and nourish the gods; determine luckiest dates for various activities. The soul journeys through dark and threatening underworld; but sacrificial victims and women who die in childbirth go to heaven. Astronomy, divination, human sacrifice, elaborate burial for royalty, worship in stone pyramid-temples Dresden, Madrid, and Paris codices; Books of Chilam Balam; Popol Vuh; The Ritual of the Bacabs ReligionFacts article
Mormonism (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints)

Joseph Smith, 1830, New York, USA 12.2 million God the Father, the Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are three separate individual beings Humans existed as spirits before this life, salvation is returning to God. Salvation by faith in Christ, good works, ordinances, and evangelism. All return to spirit world for period of instruction before resurrection. Mormons to heaven with God and families; others rewarded but not with God; hell for those who reject God after death. Abstinence from alcohol, tobacco, coffee and tea; baptism for the dead; eternal marriage; temple garments under daily clothes; active evangelism. Christian Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price ReligionFacts section

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Nation of Islam

Nation of Islam Flag
Wallace Fard Muhammad, 1930, Detroit, USA

« The letters stand for "Justice, Equality, Freedom, Islam"
Estimates range from 10,000 to 100,000 "One God whose proper name is Allah." Wallace Fard Muhammad became the divine messiah and incarnation of Allah in 1930. The Earth is over 76 trillion years old and all land was once called "Asia." "The Blackman is the original man" (Message to the Blackman). Live righteously and worship Allah. Mental resurrection of the righteous. Black people will be mentally resurrected first. Prayer five times a day. Work for the equality of the African race. Respect laws of the land, don't carry arms, don't make war. Healthy living and abstinence from alcohol, smoking and substance abuse. Modest dress. Qur'an and "Scriptures of all the Prophets of God" are holy texts. Influential writings include Elijah Muhammad's Message to the Blackman in America (1965) Official Website

New Age Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and Annie Besant in the 19th C, Alice A. Bailey (1880-1949), flourished in 1970s and 80s 5 million (very approximate) The Divine is an impersonal life force that pervades all things Dawning of a New Age of heightened consciousness and international peace. Individuals can obtain a foretaste of the New Age through spiritual transformation ("Ascension"). More emphasis on the latter now. Evil comes from ignorance. Reincarnation based on karma Astrology; mysticism; use of crystals; yoga; tarot readings; holistic medicine; psychic abilities; angelic communications; channeling; amulets; fortune-telling Works of a variety of New Age writers Beliefnet

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New Thought

Monad - New Thought
Phineas Parkhurst Quimby (1802-66) and others, late 19th century, USA. 160,000 Generally monism (all is One), but members might be theists, pantheists or panentheists. God is immanent; the universe is essentially spiritual. Man is divine, essentially spirit, and has infinite possibility. Mind can control the body. Sin and sickness caused by incorrect thinking. Man can live in oneness with God in love, truth, peace, health, and prosperity. "Life is eternal in the invisible kingdom of God." Emphasis on spiritual and mental healing, but without rejection of modern medicine. Worship services; prayer for the sick; discussion of New Thought authors and ideas. Writings of Quimby (such as the The Quimby Manuscripts) and other New Thought authors ReligionFacts article

International New Thought Alliance

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Teachings of Marcus Garvey (1920s, Jamaica) and coronation of Haile Selassie (1930, Ethiopia) 1 million God is Jah, who became incarnate in Jesus (who was black) and Haile Selassie. Humans are temples of Jah. Salvation is primarily in this world and consists of liberation from oppression and return to Africa. Some Rastas will experience "everliving" (physical immortality). Heaven is a return to Eden, which is in Africa. Many practices based on Jewish biblical Law. Abstinence from most or all meat, artificial foods, and alcohol. Use of marijuana in religious rituals and for medicine. Wearing of dreadlocks. Holy Piby (the "Blackman's Bible). The Ethiopian epic Kebra Negast also revered. ReligionFacts article

The Afrocentric Experience

L. Ron Hubbard, 1954, California 70,000 or several million, depending on the source God(s) not specified; reality explained in the Eight Dynamics Human consists of body, mind and thetan; capable of great things.
Gain spiritual freedom by ridding mind of engrams.
Reincarnation Auditing, progressing up various levels until "clear". Focus on education and drug recovery programs. Writings of Hubbard, such as Dianetics and Scientology ReligionFacts section

Official Website

Seventh-day Adventists

Rooted in Millerite movement; founded 1863 in New England; early leaders: Ellen White, Hiram Edson and Joseph Bates 10 million [source] One God who is a Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Second Coming of Christ is imminent; salvation is by faith in Christ; emphasis on quality of life both now and in afterlife A "peaceful pause" after death until the coming of Christ, then resurrection to judgment, followed by eternity in heaven or nonexistence. No hell. Sabbath observance on Saturdays; healthful lifestyle; baptism by immersion Christian Bible; later prophets like Ellen White are inspired and authoritative when tested against Scriptures ReligionFacts article

Official Website


Indigenous religion of Japan. 3-4 million Polytheism based on the kami, ancient gods or spirits. Humans are pure by nature and can keep away evil through purification rituals and attain good things by calling on the kami. Death is bad and impure. Some humans become kami after death. Worship and offerings to kami at shrines and at home. Purification rituals. Important texts are Kojiki or 'Records of Ancient Matters' and Nihon-gi or 'Chronicles of Japan' ReligionFacts article


Japan Guide

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Guru Nanak, c. 1500 AD, Punjab, India. 23 million One God (Ik Onkar, Nam) Overcome the self, align life with will of God, and become a "saint soldier," fighting for good. Reincarnation until resolve karma and merge with God. Prayer and meditation on God's name, services at temple (gurdwara), turban and five Ks. Balance work, worship, and charity. No monasticism or asceticism. Adi Granth (Sri Guru Granth Sahib) ReligionFacts section
Spiritualism, a.k.a. Spiritism Modern movement: c.1850, USA, UK, France 11 million Beliefs vary, but generally based in a Christian worldview. Body and spirit are separate entities. Morality and contact with spirits affect afterlife. A spiritual existence with access to the living. Condition depends on morality of life and advancement is possible. Sunday services. Seances and other communication with departed spirits. Spirit healing. No authoritative texts. Doctrine learned from spirit guides (advanced departed spirits). Encyclopedia Britannica

National Spiritualist Association of Churches
Stoicism Zeno in c.313 BC, Athens. unknown Pantheism: the logos pervades the universe. Purpose is happiness, achieved by virtue, i.e., living reasonably. Possible continued existence of the Soul, but not a personal existence. Ethical and philosophical training, self-reflection, careful judgment and inner calm. Fragments of founders plus later writers like Seneca, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius. ReligionFacts article

Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Lao-Tzu, c. 550 BC, China. 20 million
(394 million adherents of Chinese religion)
Pantheism - the Tao pervades all. Yin-yang - opposites make up a unity. Purpose is inner harmony, peace, and longevity. Acheived by living in accordance with the Tao. Revert back to state of non-being, which is simply the other side of being. General attitude of detachment and non-struggle, "go with the flow" of the Tao. Tai-chi, acupuncture, and alchemy to help longevity. Tao Te Ching, Chuang-Tzu ReligionFacts section

Unification Church

Unification Church Symbol
Sun Myung Moon, 1954, South Korea. Over 1 million (3 million acc. to official sources) Monotheism, with the duality of God (esp. masculine and feminine) emphasized. No Trinity doctrine. Purpose is true love and world peace instead of selfish love. True love and the kingdom of God on earth will be restored by the creation of "true families." Eternal life in a spirit world. Blessing Ceremony The Divine Principle (1954) by Rev. Moon. ReligionFacts article

Official website
Unitarian Universalism

Formal merger of Unitarians and Universalists in 1961, USA. 800,000 Not specified. Members might believe in one God, many gods, or no God. Salvation is "spiritual health or wholeness." Members seek "inner and outer peace," insight, health, compassion and strength. Not specified. Some believe in an afterlife, some do not. Very few believe in hell - "Universalism" indicates the belief that all will be saved. Ceremonies for marriages, funerals, etc. Church services have elements from various religions. Emphasis on civil rights, social justice, equality and environment. Most UUs are anti-death penalty and pro-gay rights. Many sacred texts are revered by various members; some none at all. The Bible is the most commonly used text. ReligionFacts article

Based on ancient pagan beliefs, but modern form founded early 1900s. Founder generally said to be Gerald Gardner. 1-3 million Polytheism, centered on the Goddess and God, each in various forms; also a belief in a Supreme Being over all "If it harms none, do what you will." Reincarnation until reach the Summerland Prayer, casting a circle, Drawing Down the Moon, reciting spells, dancing, singing, sharing cakes and wine or beer No sacred text; foundational texts include The Witch Cult in Western Europe and The God of the Witches ReligionFacts article


Zoroaster in c.6th cent. BC, Persia. Official religion of ancient Persia. May have influenced Judaism and Vedic religion. c. 200,000 One God, Ahura Mazda, but a dualistic worldview in which an evil spirit, Angra Mainyu, is almost as powerful. Humans are free to do good or evil, must choose the side of good. Judgement followed by heaven or hell. Hell is temporary until final purgation and return to Ahura Mazda. Good deeds, charity, equality, hard work. Zend Avesta ReligionFacts article

BBC Religion

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Origins & History
Adherents Worldwide (approx.)
God(s) and Universe
Human Situation and Life's Purpose
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Food & Sex
The Path to Heaven or Hell
Food and sex are arguably the two greatest passions for human beings and all living creatures. The animal urges of food and sex at its core are about survival and continuation of the human species. Given the conveniences of the modern world, food and sex are not practiced on the natural vibration of the cycles of the cosmos like most other living creatures living in harmony with their natural instincts. A large percentage of our diet does not consist of what nature naturally provides and our sex habits are just as bad. Cumulatively, the human race continues to degenerate as we are no where near as healthy and vibrant as our foremothers and forefathers. This is largely due to our food and sex practices.

Though the use of food and drink has always been my primary focus on matters of healthy living, sex creates an interesting side bar along with food because there is not another instinctual urge that comes close to food and sex in terms of what motivates humans beings on a continual daily basis. I personally rank food #1, and sex #2 in terms of our animal urges. Chances are for most people that you will eat today, probably multiple times, but you can go on without sex for years if you had to.

In the ancient science of Taoism and other similar art forms, strict sexual practices, internal exercises, along with proper diet and exercise allow humans to be in the driver's seat to control and direct animal urges to extend quality and quantity of life. For men, one of the basic practices is seminal retention. For women, it is control of menstrual flow. Blood loss devitalizes a woman over time and is not natural. In Taoism, for men and women the internal exercises that can rejuvenate the sex organs and the entire body. There is much literature on the subject.

With food, there are two major sins that people commit on a daily basis. Most people consume too much food for one, and two, they eat the wrong food. By eating too much of the wrong food, which are usually acid forming foods, will overexcite the sex organs. For men, this can mean nocturnal emissions and/or the need to release vital energy that can be directed to renewing our body, mind, and spirit. If a woman's monthly cycle is more than 3 days, then the diet has to be examined and changes need to happen to prevent inevitable health problems down the road. Food and sex work together. The daily consumption of improper food and drink will result in improper sex practices. Proper food consumption along with internal exercises can lead to heaven. When the two practices are abused for years on end what will result is usually cancer in one of the organs associated with sexual reproduction. Prostate cancer, testicular cancer, breast cancer, fibroid tumors, ovarian cancer, etc. are a few examples directly related to the combination of improper food and sex practices.

When food and sex are practiced with natural law in adherence to natural rhythms of the cosmos then it becomes a 1-2 punch in taking control of your life. By eating less of the best food possible, there is less effort by the digestive organs to break down food which means less wear and tear on the internal body. The food industry wants us to believe that we all need more protein, more vitamins, more of this and that. We buy expensive vitamins and supplements on top of the over-consumption of the wrong foods. With the proper amount of the best foods in their natural state results in a healthy sex drive. When sex is practiced holistically, it provides opportunities for pleasure and love to permeate our being and therefore become a tool for healing and rejuvenation rather than disease and devitalization.

A body temple full of love, power, and bliss energy and free of toxins, negative emotions and disease through correct practice of our most powerful urges, food and sex, is the only way to heaven on earth.




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The Juice Master
a selection of books with many amazing recipes of juices, smoothies, soups and salads. We have featured a small selection of those recipes in this section and have added videos of Jason making them. Please feel free to drop us your own recipes and we'll feature them on the site. If you have a video of you, your kids, or anyone making a juice or smoothie and want to show the world, send it in and we'll put it up!

  • Find out some of Juice Master Jason’s Vale’s tastiest juice recipes. From his Famous Sherbert Lemonade to the powerful Dr Juice, we give you a taster of some of his best known juices.
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  • Smoothies

    We explore some of Jason’s most loved smoothie recipes, from the nutrient packed Turbo Charge Smoothie to our Juice Bar favourite Breakfast on the Go there’s something to excite all taste buds.
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  • juice master smoothies juicing


    Create some of the tastiest soups with Jason’s own recipes from his book Juice Yourself Slim. Warm up with some of our favourite hearty and importantly healthy homemade soups.
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  • Salads

    Want to know how to make tasty superfood salads? Not just an expert with juices and smoothies, Jason also creates amazing salads, and we’re sharing some of his best with you.
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  • Kids recipes

    Want to know how to get kids super-healthy and into juicing? Why not try out some of our kids recipes that taste amazing and are sure to get your kids excited about juicing.
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Peace and Love

I just want to remind everyone that we are all special. Each one of us, big girls, small men, dark skin, pale skin - all of us are perfect - just the way that the creator designed us. When we learn to look into the eyes of of brothers and sisters instead of the outter being we would learn who they really are. Heart to heart hand in hand we are one people on this earth plain. Imagine what we can accomplish when we collectively work for a goal. I guess what I am trying to say is that I believe in us! Lets Do This..what ever it is!
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What do Hollywood stars, glamorous models, and weight loss wannabe's have in common? Read why Damon Wayans, Janet Jackson, John Lennon, James Coburn, Mae West, and so many other celebrities have used this internal cleansing method and why Princess Di spent over $4,000 a year doing it. Find out if Home Colon Cleansing is for you.

Colon cleansing can provide relief from maladies such as colds & flu, constipation, diarrhea, breath and body odors, fatigue, headaches, sinusitis, allergies, hemorrhoids, weight problems, digestive difficulties, back and muscle aches, knee pain, poor eyesight, poor memory, stress, and the list goes on and on. We cannot expect to have sharp minds or vitality for living when our bodies are polluted. People report greater alertness, a lightness of being, mental clarity, overwhelming joy, incredible insight, and even better sex after cleansing. Click here to read Benefits of the Enema according to Dr. Bernard Jensen (excerpt from Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management).

Do you look and feel older than you are? Do you know that colon cleansing (also known as colonic, bowel irrigation, high enema, and colenema) improves skin and muscle tone, and reduces signs of aging? Is your waistline getting bigger every year no matter how much you exercise? Are you tired of being overweight? Are your joints stiff, weak or painful? Do you suffer from arthritis?

Colon cleansing can relieve aches and pains and their causes! Is your pleasure for living gone? Eliminate moodiness and fatigue and start enjoying increased energy! Colon cleansing or bowel irrigation promotes optimum food absorption and improved peristaltic action by removing old mucoid accumulation and toxins.

Colon irrigation is an alternative health hydrotherapy that gradually and gently cleanses the colon by flushing with a warm water solution. Colon cleansing is preventative healthcare, there is no better place to begin to rid your body of toxins and contamination that may cause cancer, colitis, digestive disorders, fatigue, obesity, and so much more.

Difficulties controlling weight may be due to the excess garbage piled up in the colon. Did you know you can actually control or lose weight by removing the toxic build-up from your colon? Did you know the average weight loss after a single colon cleansing treatment is 2 - 4 pounds?


All sick people have bowel trouble, whether they know it or not. Without getting the bowel back to proper functioning, all other therapies, treatments, supplements or other aids fall far short of their potential good. Proper bowel function is an essential precondition for staying healthy, and if ill, to overcome sickness and disease. By gently washing the colon with warm water, colon cleansing actually exercises and tones your muscles! Bad bacteria are flushed out to start building a healthy inner environment. Some people have lost 4-15 pounds solely through hydrotherapy, by cleansing out the old waste. It's been reported that some people get hooked on colonics. Hydrotherapy should be undertaken periodically, and should not be used as a replacement for good bowel function.

About Colonics from Dr. Bernard Jensen

Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, famous surgeon and the father of Kellogg's Corn Flakes, believed that the bowel could be the origin of most health problems, hence his creation of a bran cereal to aid in colon function. He maintained that 90% of disease is due to improper functioning of the colon. After performing over 20,000 colon surgeries, Dr. Kellogg said he never did see a normal healthy American colon. Common sense tells us that if we retain the contents of our colon the result will be disfigurement and disease of the colon. Since newly formed cancer cells escape destruction by the immune system due to the effects of autointoxication, we are literally poisoning ourselves into illness when the bowel evacuation is deficient.

The wholistic view is: an organic or integrated whole has a reality that is greater than the sum of it's parts.

!...and put it where it belongs! You'll be so surprised what comes out of your bodyIt's important to get the trash out!...

Autointoxication is defined as "the poisoning of the body, or some part of the body, by toxic matter generated therein." Autointoxication is self-poisoning, or slow suicide!

Autointoxication theorizes that accumulated intestinal waste products poison the body and are a major contributor to many, if not all, disease.


Early indications of colon problems include: sallow skin, coated tongue, bad breath, offensive body odor, headaches, bloating, poor appetite, stiff joints (especially knees), lethargy, dizziness, muscle pain, moodiness and irritability, hemorrhoids, skin rash, hypertension, vision problems, palpitations and a feeling of stomach heaviness.
Most illnesses are caused by unhealthy colons. Colds, flu, cancer, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, and allergies are all examples of diseases caused by excessive amounts of poor-quality food combined with bad elimination. When you don't eliminate properly, food may stay in the colon for days, weeks, months, even years, putrefying and then poisoning your entire system. In most cases, seriousness of disease corresponds directly to the level of toxicity.
The colon is like a tube of circular muscle lined with a layer of moist mucous cells that lubricate the contents. The smooth folds of the colon are speckled with glands that resemble skin pores. These glands extract the fluids and electrolytes from the passing food residue. This fluid - about a quart each day - is recycled and eventually filtered and excreted by the kidneys as urine. Bowel movement is a bit slower process, it comes in large waves three or four times per day. Stimulated by the arrival of food to the stomach, the muscle bands of the colon move the contents along through each section. Once the stool moves out of the sigmoid colon into the rectum, the brain gets the signal that nature is calling, and so we go.

But what if I can't go? OH NO!

Has that ever happened to you? Everyone at one time or another experiences constipation. If you have chronic constipation or don't feel finished when you've finished the job, you need colon cleansing. Common sense and science tell us that prolonged retention of feces and stale waste matter in the colon may, and often does, result in blockage of the passage within the colon causing all kinds of disease. A plaster-like coating can form on the walls of the colon. Colon irrigation can and will dissolve this, but to remove it too rapidly could cause the inner lining of the colon to become raw. The best approach is to gradually, comfortably, and effectively soak and saturate the colon with water. It takes years to create blockage and build-up to the inside walls of the colon so it may take a series of bowel irrigations (maybe dozens) to cleanse thoroughly. Once you can appreciate increased energy, lightness of being, and the overall healthful feeling that bowel irrigation provides, you'll want to maintain a regular schedule to stay healthy, look younger and feel great!
Most of us judge colon health by the frequency and type of bowel movements we experience. Many in the orthodox medical field of study believe that individual rates of peristaltic action differ widely. A perfectly normal rate of bowel movement can vary anywhere from three times a day to three times a week depending on who you ask. Some say that we ought not to expect our bowels to operate exactly the same two days in a row. On the other hand, most alternative, naturopathic, homeopathic or wholistically-minded folks believe that a healthy colon will have good evacuation two to three times within 24 hours. Some also believe that bowel movement should occur like clockwork, aiding and abetting nutritional cycles. For the better part of this century, naturalistic healers have believed that the indigestible portion of the food we eat lodges in the large intestine and stays there until eliminated in a bowel movement. Therefore, infrequent movements or periods of constipation (especially those extending beyond 72 hours) can result in only a partial decomposition of waste, which can encrust the colon walls and hinder elimination. The toxins from this fecal matter are then reabsorbed into the body through the bloodstream, lowering the body's defenses against every bacteria, virus, and disease imaginable.
Colon health is a topic of lasting human interest and has been since antiquity. The reason people don't like to talk openly about colon cancer or even colon health, is probably because of the body parts involved--the rectum and the anus. Statistics being what they are, the sooner we address the issue and start monitoring our own colons, the better. Colon cancer is killing people at an alarming rate. The ancient Egyptians knew that food was the source of all illness and purged themselves regularly. Today, over 90% of Americans are walking around with clogged colons (US Health Service). At the turn of the last century, diverticulitis was unheard of. The cliche "you are what you eat" is unconditionally true and all the more reason to cleanse and detox the body. Dr. Bernard Jensen defined autointoxication as "the poisoning of the body, or some part of the body, by toxic matter generated therein." Autointoxication is self-poisoning, or slow suicide. Through detoxification, proper nutrition, and administration of supplements, the body can heal itself and maintain optimum health function.

According to Dr. Norman Walker, author of Colon Health, "The very best of diets can be no better than the very worst, if the sewage system of the colon is clogged with a collection of waste and corruption." And, ". . . constipation is derived from the Latin word "constipatus," which translated means "to press or crowd together, to pack, to cram." Dr. Walker also said, "There are two crimes against Nature that civilization indulges, 1) constipation, and 2) eating devitalized and refined foods." Free your body from its own toxicity by practicing good colon health with
DR. NATURAL 718-783-3465


Unlike the small intestine with all its loops and folds, the large intestine (the colon), is a relatively simple structure. It begins on the right side of the body (approximately near the appendix), and continues up the right side of the abdomen; that's the ascending colon. Then, it makes a left hand turn at the liver and travels across the body over the stomach; that's the transverse colon; and makes another turn at the spleen descending on the left side; which is the descending colon. In one final loop (at the sigmoid colon), it all ends at the rectum. It's important to know that massaging during a bowel irrigation is beneficial and helps to dislodge sluggish or retained mass.

The key to good health is colon health, and using good sense. Don't take our word for it, to learn about colon cleansing from the experts, DR. NATURAL 718-783-3465

If you wish to live healthier by practicing detoxification at the cellular level,




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Mind Detox: Don't Worry, Be Happy!!!!

by James Khan
Mind body detox is an integrated thing - you can't fully cleanse your body if your mind holds fears, worries, stress and so forth. Similarly, you will not have peace of mind and true happiness if your body is being poisoned. Mind detox is removing the compulsive thoughts, fears, hates, worries and other attachments from our minds; body detox is removing the toxins and accumulatd crap from our bodies.
The ancient Taoists, Buddha, Zen Buddhists, Sufis and others were practitioners of what we here call mind detox.
These are a couple of Dohas or Stanzas from the Sufi Kabir in the original Hindi/Urdu language written in English script, and my translation:

Bura Jo Dekhan Main Chala, Bura Naa Milya Koye
Jo Munn Khoja Apnaa, To Mujhse Bura Naa Koye

(I went in search for the bad guy, but the bad guy I couldn't find

When I searched my own mind, I saw that no one is as bad as I )

Kabir Man Nirmal Bhaya, Jaise Ganga Neer
Pache Pache Har Phire, Kahat Kabir Kabir

(Kabir washed his mind clean, Like the Holy Ganges

Every one gollows behind, Saying Kabir Kabir)

Kabir says that he realized that his own mind was the 'bad guy', the real criminal, the one who points the finger at others. In the second doha he says that he washed clean his mind, and now people everywhere follow Kabir, calling his name: Kabir, Kabir.
Kabir's central message is to to first realize that our problems are caused not by other people, not by the world, not by the devil, but by our own minds. Kabir's Dohas and Songs are sung by Sadhus, Sufi's, Sikhs and Yogis throughout India as a means to achieving peace and sense of connection with the Infinite.
As a Zen master asked:

Tell me what problem you have, if you don't think about it?

All our problems have the mind at their root. You need to first realize this, then you remove these mind manufactured 'problems' by controlling or silencing the monkey mind. You do this by not identifying with the thoughts, not identifying with the mind, the root cause of all our problems.
It is crucial to realize that thoughts just come and go. They just come and go like waves or ripples on the sea. They have nothing to do with you, unless you 'think' they do, unless you say that's my thought, and start to give it substance, a solidity where none exists and start defending that thought with more thoughts.
Just drop it. Drop the Ego.
The Buddha after spending 6 years studying and learning from yogis and sages, decided to look within. He sat still under the tree and did nothing, except focus his full attention on his breathing; he withdrew his attention from the mind. It was by this simple process that he achieved enlightenment. He then spent his entire life teaching others how to do exactly the same.
You can do the same thing too, now. Do it now.

If you follow the 'Water and the Tao', you'll see that there is clear cut scientific evidence that proves that 'the World' out there is actually a reflection, a mirror, a holographic projection without any solidity or substance to it.

This 'reflection' shows us things about ourselves that we may not wish to see.
This reflection, our world, is telling us to face and cure its sickness. We do this by withdrawing our attention and power from the sick mind. The sickness comes from identifying with the mind; you think that you are your thoughts and that is the cause of all your problems.

Relaxation and Life Style

We need to get out of the mental rat race. We need to change our lifestyle from a fast, mad-dash, stress filled life to a relaxed mind and body, factors that effect such things as our immunity to disease, are very beneficial to our health as well as our emotional, mental and physical well being.
The way to do this is to get into the body. Feel the aliveness of the body, feel the sensations, feel the joy, the pleasure of just being alive.
Relax, have a massage, have a sauna - chill out. Drop your worries and your cares.

Water, Fasting, Juicing, Saunas and Massage

Drinking pure ionized water, fasting on water or juices, infrared saunas and therapeutic massages are great ways to relax, calm the mind and for making a shift towards an awareness of Being.
A portable infrared sauna is great thing to have at home. It is not necessary, but it does help the process by deeply relaxing the body, and if you have regular saunas, it gets the mind into the routine or habit of relaxing, letting go.
Regular massages are also great ways to relax and be free of the mind, particularly non-clinical massages where the focus is on the sensual aspects of touch, the breath and the energetic levels of ones being. There is a connection between conscious relaxation, breath and Being. Think of relaxation and breath as the royal road to Being.
Think of the mind as a non-being, a computer, a robot that can't feel passion, can't truly enjoy being alive or love. But you can.
For information on Zen, Zen Koans and Sufi Stories and Parables, read:

Compulsive Thought and The Tyranny of the Mind

Relaxing the mind, mind detox, means not taking your self seriously, not taking your thoughts seriously. It's about letting them go, being free from them or being free from your habitual attachment to thoughts.
Compulsive thoughts are just as toxic as the environmental toxins that we are surrounded with. The mind is a good tool, but if left unchecked, left in charge, it becomes a tyrant.
Look around you, the shocking pollution of the environment, the wars, the killings, the ever more sophisticated, efficient and powerful bombs, the fear, the hatred, the fascist global police state, the multinationals, the pharmaceutical cartels, the drugged and poisoned society, the greed; the divisions amongst people, the worried, unfriendly, unhappy faces, rushing to their graves - what is it that you are seeing?

You are seeing the effects of the tyranny of the mind. The unconscious mind that has been left to run riot is being reflected in the world that you are seeing.

Free yourself from mental tyranny and external pollution. They are one and the same thing; one is a reflection of the other. Without mental pollution there would be no external pollution.

Think of it as detoxifying your mind and your body.

Meditation - Sitting still, doing nothing

Start your meditation by focusing attention on your breath, consciously make the breathing deeper.
Observe any thoughts that arise, try not to identify with the thoughts, remember that you are not your thoughts.
You are not the thinker either. You are the awareness, the presence in which thoughts arise.
You are that which is aware of the world of form, the world of thought. When you find yourself occupied by a thought, try to get to the space before that thought arose or the space after the thought goes.
Focus upon the space between thoughts, on the inner stillness.
If you're using an FIR or other sauna as an aid, as you get uncomfortable, which you quickly will, try not to resist the bodies detox process; just relax and let it happen. Be here and now, even if you'd rather be somewhere else. After the sauna you will feel very relaxed and energized. Take a shower, stay relaxed and alert; avoid focusing on any thoughts.
Continue with the deeper breathing, maintain your attention on the breath and in your body and not on any thoughts. Remember your mind is not YOU; your mind is your only 'enemy', your prison, but only because you allow it to be. Free yourself now, only you can do this.
Mental relaxation, the 'switching off' of the mind (a state of no-mind or not identifying with any thought) while remaining very alert and present is the essence of meditation.
You don't need to do anything else.

Eckhart Tolle and The Power of Now

Now and then you come across something that totally resonates and explains so much about what you are. For me, one of these things was Eckhart Tolle's simple but profound book The Power of Now.
The book is an effective guide to moving from a state of living under the tyranny of the mind to a state of inner peace and bliss.
It can be thought of as the Tao Teh Ching for the modern world.
Eckhart Tolle is a modern exponent of the ancient way, a living Buddha.
Eckhart Tolle became penniless and slept on park benches in the state of absolute bliss for several years. He no longer sleeps on benches, but teaches others how to have the same state.
Eckhart says that his task is to be a nobody, that is to be without an ego.

Amongst Eckhart Tolle's grateful readers are Gillian Anderson of The X Files; Cher, who says he "has changed my life"; and Meg Ryan, who introduced Oprah Winfrey to Tolle's first book, The Power of Now: A Spiritual Guide to Enlightenment.

Oprah's recommendation helped his book become an international best-seller.
Get the book, and read it daily.

Some interviews with Eckhart Tolle:

Writings from Eckhart Tolle's:

Being and Enlightenment
Silence and Stillness
The Body
Inner Body
In Being Male and Female are One
Inner Peace: Beyond Happiness
The Pain Body (includes excerpt from the tape)
Origin of Fear

The Lotus flower and Detox

The lotus is often found floating on muddy, dirty ponds; yet it maintains it beauty and purity, untainted by the pollution.

It seeds in the bottom of muddy, dirty ponds, totally surrounded by darkness, with not a glimmer of light; it gently moves up as if an inner knowing is guiding it and eventually reaches the surface and to the light, where it flowers.

As it does it improves the water around it, which becomes clearer, transparent and allows light and life to flow into the pond.

It is the perfect symbol for mind-body detox.

You too are like the lotus seed; surrounded by darkness, ignorance and pollution, though it may seem as if you are living in enlightened times. You too will flower and transform your world if you follow the simple, well mapped mind-body detox path.

The lotus flower is a symbol of the Chinese culture, Buddhism and the path of Enlightenment.

The Tibetan Ohm Mani Padmi Hum means Hail to the Jewel of the Lotus or Behold! The jewel in the lotus! It points to the inner essence of the flower, which is the essence of all of us.

It contains the sum total of all that the Buddha taught:

There is not a single aspect of the eighty-four thousand sections of the Buddha's teachings which is not contained in Avalokiteshvara's six syllable mantra 'Om Mani Padme Hum'




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