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Take action in your business today.
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* The Seven Principles of Maat - Universal Principles
I. The Principle of Psychokinesis
"MIND is, thought; the universe is a mental creation. This first great Principle embodies the idea that "All is Mind." It explains that (which is the substantial essence underlying all the outward manifestations and appearances which you know under the terms of "the material universe," "the phenomena of life," "matter," "energy," "space-time," "distance," "speed," "relativity," and, in short, all that is apparent to your material senses) is SPIRIT. This SPIRIT may be considered and thought of as A UNIVERSAL, INFINITE, LIVING MIND.
This living MIND performs gastrulation, which is a turning of itself inside out, manifesting its esoteric NATURE outwardly. Therefore, all the phenomenal worlds and universes are simply a mental creation of (MIND), subject to the laws of created things, and the universes, as a whole and in their parts or units, have their existence in the Mind. It is in this Mind that we "live and move and have our being." This SUBJECTIVE OBSERVATION of CREATION is the Principle which establishes the mental nature of the universes and easily explains all of the varied mental and psychic phenomena. Without such explanation these phenomena are not understandable and defy scientific inspection. An understanding of this first great Principle of Psychokinesis empowers the individual to comprehend the laws of the mental universe, and to apply the same to his or her well being and RHYTHMED advancement. The serious student is empowered to apply intelligently the great mental laws, instead of using them in a haphazard manner. With the Master Key in his or her possession, the student may unlock the many doors of the mental and psychic sanctuaries of knowledge and enter the same freely and intelligently. This Principle explains the NATURE of matter, energy, space-time, and why and how all these are subordinate to the mastery of mind. Those who understand the knowledge of the mental nature of the universe are well advanced on the path to mastery. Without this master key, mastery is impossible, and the student knocks in vain at the many doors of Creation.
The lack of knowledge of this principle is why modern man thinks that the Pyramids were built by aliens. This knowledge can't be acquired or developed by going to church or reading old desert based religious books full of religiosity and denominational benightedness.
II. The Principle of Correspondence
"As above, so below; as below, so above." This Principle embodies the idea that there is always a correspondence or correlation between the laws and phenomena of the various levels of being and life. This aphorism, "As above, so below; as below, so above," gives one the means of solving many a mysterious paradox and hidden secrets of nature. There are levels beyond your knowing, but when you apply the Principle of Correspondence to them you are able to understand much that would otherwise be unknowable to you. This Principle exists at the various levels of the material, mental, and spiritual universes and is of universal application. This Principle has been considered to be one of the most important mental instruments by which humankind is able to set aside the obstacles which hide the unknown from view. Its use can even remove the "Veil of Isis" (death) so that one can catch a glimpse of the other side. Just as a knowledge of the principles of geometry empowers the astronomer to measure distant suns and their movements while seated in an observatory, a knowledge of the Principle of Correspondence empowers you to reason intelligently from the known to the unknown. All the Principles have an interrelationship with Correspondence. Correspondence draws its NATURE from the copulation of CREATION. Studying the monad, one is studying the universe.
III. The Principle of Vibration
"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates." This Principle embodies the idea that everything is in motion; everything vibrates; nothing is at rest; facts which science endorses and which each new scientific discovery tends to verify. Yet this Principle was enunciated thousands of years ago by masters of old. This Principle explains that the differences between various manifestations of matter, energy, space-time, mind, and even spirit result largely from varying rates of vibration. From CREATION'S copulation which is pure spirit, down to the grossest form of matter, all is in vibration. From the "in and out of bond infinite times in a finite moment" (CREATION'S copulation), to the expansion and collapse of a universe, the rate of vibration is observed as states of "proper" time. The higher the vibration, the higher the position in the scale. The vibration of spirit is at such an infinite rate of intensity and rapidity that it is seemingly at rest -- just as a rapidly turning wheel seems to be motionless. At the other end of the scale, there are gross forms of matter whose vibrations are so low as to seem at rest. Between these two opposing points, there are billions upon billions of varying degrees of vibration. From quark, squark, lepton, slepton, electron, atom, and molecule, to planets and universes, everything is in vibratory motion. This is also true in the fields of energy and force (which are but varying degrees of vibration); and also at the mental levels (whose states depend upon vibrations); and even at the spiritual levels. All the Principles have an interrelationship with Vibration. Vibration draws its NATURE from the copulation of CREATION. An understanding of the Principle, with the appropriate application, empowers the student to control their own mental vibrations as well as those of others. The masters also apply this Principle to the conquering of natural phenomena in various ways. "Those who understand the Principle of Vibration have taken hold of the scepter of power."
IV. The Principle of Opposition
"Everything is dual; everything has an opposing point; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes bond; all truths are but partial truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled."
This Principle embodies the idea that everything is dual; everything has two opposing sides; everything has its pair of opposites, of which all are ancient aphorisms. It explains the paradoxes that have perplexed so many and have been stated as follows: "Thesis and antithesis are identical in nature, but different in degree"; "opposites are the same, differing only in degree"; "the pairs of opposites may be reconciled"; "in and out of bond NOTHING and POSSIBILITY meet"; "extremes bond"; "everything is and is not at the same time"; "every truth is partially false"; "all truths are a paradox"; "there are at least two sides to every story," etc. It explains that in everything there are two opposing points or opposite aspects (complementarity), and that opposites are really only the two extremes of the same event, with many varying degrees between them. To illustrate, "hot and cold," although opposites, are really the same phenomenon, the differences consisting merely of degrees of the same "event." Look at your thermometer and see if you can discover where hot terminates and cold begins! In actuality, there is no such thing as absolute hot or absolute cold -- the two terms "hot" and "cold" simply indicate varying degrees of the same event, and that same event which manifests as hot and cold is merely a form, variety, and rate of vibration. So "hot" and "cold" are simply the two opposing points of that which you call "temperature" -- and the phenomena attendant thereupon are manifestations of the Principle of Opposition. The same Principle is involved in the case of "light and darkness," which are the same event, the difference consisting of varying degrees between the two opposing points of the phenomenon. Where does darkness leave off and light begin? What is the difference between "large and small," "hard and soft," "black and white," "sharp and dull," "noise and quiet," "high and low," "positive and negative?" The Principle of Opposition explains these paradoxes.
The same Principle operates on the spiritual and mental levels. Take an example from the mental level -- that of "love and hate" -- two mental states apparently totally different. Yet there are degrees of hate and degrees of love, and a middle point in which you use the terms "like or dislike," which shade into each other so gradually that sometimes you are at a loss to know whether you like or dislike or neither. All are simply degrees of the same event as you will find if you will but feel it for a moment. More than this (and considered of more importance by the students), it is possible to change the vibrations of hate to the vibrations of love in one's own mind and in the minds of others. Many of you who read these lines have had personal experiences of the involuntary rapid transition from love to hate, and the reverse, in your own case and that of others. You will therefore realize the possibility of this being accomplished by the use of the Will, by means of knowing the Will. "Good and evil" are but opposing points of the same event, and the student understands the art of altering evil into good by means of an application of the Principle of Opposition.
In short, the Art of Immersion becomes a phase of Psychokinesis known and practiced by the ancient and modern masters. All the Principles have an interrelationship with Opposition. Opposition draws its NATURE from the copulation of CREATION -- the Big Bang if you will. An understanding of the Principles will empower one to change their own vibration as well as that of others, if they will devote the time and study necessary to master the art.
V. The Principle of Rhythm
"Everything flows out and in; everything has its season; all things rise and fall; the pendulum swing expresses itself in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates." -- 16 This Principle embodies the idea that in everything there exists a measured motion to and fro; an outflow and inflow; a swing backward and forward; a pendulum like movement; a tide like ebb and flow; a high tide and a low tide. All things "come in and out of bond" between the two opposing points which exist in accordance with the Principle of Opposition described previously. There is always an action and a reaction; an advance and a retreat; a rising and a sinking. This is in the affairs of the universe, suns, worlds, humankind, animals, mind, energy, and matter. This law is established in the creation and destruction of worlds; in the rise and fall of nations; and finally in the mental states of humans. The students that realize this Principle find its universal application and discover the means to overcome its effect upon themselves. They apply the mental Law of Neutralization. They cannot annul the Principle or cause it to cease its operation. They do not escape the effect the Principle will have on them at one level, but they have learned how to escape its effects upon themselves to a certain degree. They have learned how to USE it, instead of being USED BY it. In this and similar methods consist the art of the masters. The masters immerse themselves at the point at which they desire to rest, and then neutralize the rhythmic swing of the pendulum which wants to carry them to the opposite point. All individuals who have attained any degree of self mastery do this naturally, more or less unconsciously, but the masters do this consciously by the use of their Will. They attain a degree of poise and mental firmness beyond belief of the masses who are swung backward and forward on the pendulum of Opposition. All the Principles have an interrelationship with Rhythm. Rhythm draws its NATURE from the copulation of CREATION. This principle and that of Opposition have been closely studied by the masters, and the method of counteracting, neutralizing, and USING them forms an important part of Psychokinesis
VI. The Principle of Cause and Effect
"Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is just a name for Law not recognized; there are many fields of causation, but nothing escapes the Law of Destiny
This principle embodies the idea that there is a cause for every effect; and an effect from every cause. It explains that "everything happens according to law"; that nothing ever "merely happens"; that there is no such thing as chance; that while there are various fields of cause and effect, the higher dominating the lower fields, still nothing ever entirely escapes the Law (destiny). The masters understand the art and method of rising above the ordinary field of cause and effect, and by mentally rising to a higher field they become causers instead of effects. The masses of people are carried along obedient to environment, the wills and desires of others stronger than themselves, heredity, suggestion, and other outward causes moving them about like pawns on the chessboard of life. But the masters, rising to the field above, dominate their moods, character, qualities, and powers as well as the environment surrounding them, and become movers instead of pawns. They help to PLAY THE GAME OF LIFE, instead of being played and moved about by the environment. They USE the Principles instead of being used. The masters obey the causation of the higher fields, but they help to RULE on their own level.
All the Principles have an interrelationship with Cause and Effect. Cause "comes in and out of bond" with Effect; all EVENTS are between the cause and effect. Cause and Effect draws its NATURE from the copulation of CREATION. In this statement there is condensed a wealth of knowledge.
VII. The Principle of Gender
"Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; Gender manifests on all levels." This Principle embodies the idea that there is GENDER expressed in everything -- the masculine and feminine principles ever at work. The NATURE of the copulation of CREATION displays in this principle. This is a fact not only of the physical level, but of the mental and even the spiritual levels. On the physical levels the Principle presents itself as SEX; on the higher levels it takes higher forms, but the Principle is ever the same. No creation, physical, mental, or spiritual, is possible without this Principle. An understanding of its laws will throw light on many a subject that has perplexed the minds of humans.
The Principle of Gender works ever in the direction of generation, re- generation, and creation. Everything and every person contains the two elements or aspects of this great Principle within it, him, or her. Every male thing has the female element as well; every female contains also the male principle. If you are to understand the philosophy of mental and spiritual creation, generation, and re-generation, you must understand and study this Principle. All the Principles have an inter- relationship with Gender. As the NOTHING "comes in" and the POSSIBILITY "out of bond," Gender is created. Gender draws its NATURE from the copulation of CREATION. It contains the solution to many mysteries of life. *
Canned Tomatoes
An endocrinologist won’t go near canned tomatoes -- the cans are lined with a resin containing BPA, and tomatoes are especially dangerous because their acid breaks the BPA down in dangerous amounts.Conventional BeeF / ALL PORK AND SWINE PRODUCTS / ALL SHELLFISH
Conventional cattle are fed grain, corn and soy to make them fat, even though studies show that grass-fed beef higher in important vitamins, minerals and heart-healthy, anti-inflammatory fats. Pigs are scavengers of the earth and inefficient elimination system and always filled with worms. all shellfish=shrimp, lobster,crabs,etc. are scavengers of the sea.Microwave Popcorn
Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) lines microwave popcorn bags, and when they are heated the compound, which has been linked to infertility, leaches onto the food.Conventional Potatoes
Non-organic potatoes are heavily sprayed with herbicides, pesticides and fungicides -- many potato growers don’t eat the potatoes they sell, but instead and grow their own separate plots without all the chemicals.Farmed Salmon
Farmed salmon are stuffed into pens and fed chicken feathers and pellets. A scientific study on fish contamination showed high levels of carcinogens such as DDT and PCBs.Conventional Milk
Dairy cows are fed growth hormones to maximize milk production, which results in increased incidence of udder infection and pus in the milk.Conventional Apples
Apples are heavily and frequently doused with pesticides -- pesticides that have been linked to Parkinson’s.To find out more about these dangerous foods, click on the link below.
This program is powered by the Webseed Empowerment Platform. |
The transition to a live food diet must be done for optimal health. Food addictions are the most difficult to overcome because we must eat. In addition to addictions to food, we also have formed emotional attachments to certain food. It is important to satisfy the emotional and the physical body. When the physical and emotional body is nourished, addictions can be overcome for good. Let's face it, we have a lot of good memories and emotions attached to food. One of my fondest childhood memories is Sunday dinner. A typical southern dinner consisting of fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, string beans with bacon and potatoes, hot-water cornbread and plenty of Kool-Aid. Although this may not have been the healthiest meal, it was prepared with lots of love and good intentions. Lots of love and good intentions is the cornerstone of good food preparation. Balance is the key. Here are a few recipes that I consider to be staples of a balanced diet. Include these basic dishes in your diet to maintain a high level of good health. Rejuvelac | Energy Soup | Veggie Kraut | Coconut Cake | Vegetable Soup Rejuvelac is one of the best aids for digestion. It contains a very high level of enzymes that help you properly digest food. It replaces the missing enzymes that cooked foods have lost. It is rich in B vitamins, including B12, vitamins C, E and K. It also contains the friendly bacteria necessary for a healthy colon. Recipe for Rejuvelac (1 gallon) 1 cup sprouted soft wheat berries 1 gallon pure water Rinse sprouts well. Blend wheat berries with enough water to cover on high for 5 seconds. Pour in gallon glass jar. Fill with water. Cover with cheesecloth. Let it sit at room temperature up to 3 days. The length of time will depend on humidity and temperature. Strain. Should taste like tart lemonade. Store in refrigerator up to 2 weeks. Drink at least 2 glasses daily for good health. You may use Rejuvelac in recipes instead of water. Energy Soup "Energy Soup is the most important nourishment Energy soup is a blended green soup that was designed to contain every nutrient that your body needs in a balanced form. Each ingredient is a complete food containing the highest levels of nutrition. Most important, it is easy to digest. Blending helps us to chew our food which aids in digestion, absorption, and elimination. Eat this soup everyday, and you will have lots of energy! Two servings of Energy Soup 1 leaf romaine lettuce Combine all ingredients in blender. Blend until creamy. Taste. Adjust flavors by adding seasonings to your liking. Do not store energy soup. Only make what you will eat right away. Make fresh daily! Veggie Kraut 1 green cabbage Finely chop cabbage, saving outside leave. Chop carrots and onion. Place vegetables into a large bowl or crock. Add vinegar and seasonings. Cover with outside cabbage leaves. Place large plate and weight on top. Leave at room temperature for 3 days or until it is sour enough for your taste. Place in covered glass jar. Refrigerate. It will keep up to 3 weeks. Eat ½ cup a day with meals for great elimination! Coconut Cake (9”, 12-16 servings) 9 cups oat flour (ground oat groats or rolled oats) 2 cups nuts pecans or walnuts (chopped fine) 3 cups shredded coconut 1½ cups agave nectar 1 level tablespoon ground cloves Water as needed (about 2 cups) 1/2 pineapple pulsed (in food processor) In large bowl, combine oat flour, nuts coconut, pineapple, cloves and agave nectar. Mix well. Add water while kneading the mixture. The batter should be moist but not runny. If too much water is added let stand for 15-20 minutes. Form dough into two large balls. Press each dough ball into a spring form pan. Icing 6 cups shredded coconut (set aside two cups) 1 cup coconut meat (from young Thai coconut) 4 cups water 1 cup agave nectar 1/4 cup lemon juice 1 vanilla bean or 2 tablespoons vanilla extract 3 tablespoons psyllium powder Blend 4 cups shredded coconut, and remaining ingredients in high speed blender until creamy. If too watery add a little more shredded coconut. Remove 1 cake from spring form pan and place on a plate (this is your bottom layer). Spread Icing on bottom layer of cake. Remove other cake from spring form pan and place on top of bottom layer. Ice the top layer of cake, spreading icing along the sides of cake. Top with shredded coconut. Vegetable Soup (Yield: 8 servings) Stock 2 cups pine nuts 6 cups water 3 medium tomatoes 1/4 teaspoon Celtic sea salt Dried or fresh herbs of choice Vegetables 2 cups chopped broccoli florets 3 shredded carrots 2 cups chopped kale 2 chopped zucchinis 1 chopped yellow squash 1 chopped sweet onion 1 chopped clove garlic 1 cup sprouted barley (optional)) In Vitamix blender, blend stock ingredients. Pour in crock pot or bowl. Add vegetables and barley (if using). Mix well. Taste. Adjust flavors by adding more seasonings if necessary. If heating, turn crock pot on low setting and cover. Use thermometer to check temperature. When temperature reaches 100BF, turn off pot. Serve warm. Refrigerate up to 2 days. |
Meat Balls
Marinade for Mushrooms
BBQ Sauce
*DR.NATURAL 718-783-3465
7 STEPS TO PERFECT HEALTH DVD 7 Steps to Total Health, 7 DVD |
Age is Only a Number - DVD | |
Aids: A Second Opinion DVD | |
AIDS: The Untold Story, DVD | |
Allergies: A Natural Approach, DVD | |
Art of Health, 4 DVD Set | |
Arthritis: A Natural Approach DVD | |
Autism: Made In The USA DVD | |
Being a Winner DVD | |
Building the Immune System Naturally DVD | |
Change Your Life DVD | |
Choosing Your Essential Needs DVD | |
Deconstructing the Myth of Aids DVD | |
DentalCareDVD | |
De-Stress Now DVD | |
Detoxification: A Natural Approach - DVD | |
Diet for a Lifetime DVD | |
Drugging of Our Children DVD | |
Embracing Our Bliss - DVD (Self Empowerment Series | |
Embracing Passion DVD | |
Enhancing Self-Esteem DVD | |
Eye Care DVD | |
Fatal Fallout - The Bush Legacy DVD | |
Food Mood Connection Book + DVD | |
Food Mood Connection DVD | |
Guilt Free Vegetarian Desserts DVD | |
GULF WAR SYNDROME - Killing Our Own - DVD | |
Hair Care DVD | |
Happiness DVD | |
Healing Your Body Naturally DVD | |
Honor Your Self, DVD | |
How to Manifest a Beautiful Life DVD | |
I'm Not Finished Yet DVD | |
Kiss Your Fat Goodbye, DVD | |
Life Energies DVD - NEW!!! | |
Living a Dynamic Life, DVD | |
Mind Power, DVD | |
Natural Pet Care, DVD | |
NEW - Power Chefs 5-DVD Set! | |
Nice & Easy DVD | |
Overcoming Addictive Behavior DVD | |
Overcoming Cardiovascular Disease - DVD | |
Overcoming Fatigue:A Natural Approach, DVD | |
Overcoming The Dark Side 2 DVD Set | |
Pain: A Natural Approach, DVD | |
Power Aging - DVD | |
Power Foods DVD | |
Preparing Live Foods - DVD | |
Prescription for Disaster DVD | |
Preventing & Reversing Cancer Naturally 2 DVD's | |
Preventing & Reversing Diabetes Naturally 3DVD Set | |
Rebalance Your Life DVD | |
Reversing Heart Disease & Stroke Naturally DVD | |
Self Empowerment Series 7 DVD Set | |
Sexual Healing - DVD | |
Staying Young Forever DVD | |
Stress Management, A Natural Approach DVD | |
Supercharge your Immune System- DVD | |
The 13th Step DVD | |
The Law of Attraction DVD | |
Vaccine Nation DVD, NEW Director's Cut - $14.95 | |
Wake Up and Get Healthy, DVD | |
You're smarter then you think - DVD * |
7 - 900360 | 7 Steps to Perfect Health DVD |
7 - 900766 | 7 Steps to Total Health, 7 DVD |
A - 998001 | Age is Only a Number - DVD |
A - 900919 | Aids: A Second Opinion DVD |
T - 900988 | AIDS: The Untold Story, DVD |
A - 8997509 | Allergies: A Natural Approach, DVD |
A - 900995 | Art of Health, 4 DVD Set |
A - 997301 | Arthritis: A Natural Approach DVD |
A - 902234 | Autism: Made In The USA DVD |
GN_healthyWomanDVD | Be a HEALTHY WOMAN! DVD |
BeingaWinnerDVD | Being a Winner DVD |
BuildingImmuneDVD | Building the Immune System Naturally DVD |
C - 900667 | Change Your Life DVD |
EssentialNeedsDVD | Choosing Your Essential Needs DVD |
D - 900926 | Deconstructing the Myth of Aids DVD |
DentalCareDVD | DentalCareDVD |
de-stressDVD | De-Stress Now DVD |
DVD-detoxification | Detoxification: A Natural Approach - DVD |
D - 900346 | Diet for a Lifetime DVD |
GN-DOC | Drugging of Our Children DVD |
E - 318740 | Embracing Our Bliss - DVD (Self Empowerment Series |
E - 900469 | Embracing Passion DVD |
E - 900438 | Enhancing Self-Esteem DVD |
EyeCareDVD | Eye Care DVD |
F - 900278 | Fatal Fallout - The Bush Legacy DVD |
FoodMoodBookDVD | Food Mood Connection Book + DVD |
FoodMoodDVD | Food Mood Connection DVD |
G - 318516 | Guilt Free Vegetarian Desserts DVD |
HairCareDVD | Hair Care DVD |
HappinessDVD | Happiness DVD |
HealingYourBodyDVD | Healing Your Body Naturally DVD |
H - 901190 | Honor Your Self, DVD |
H - 900452 | How to Manifest a Beautiful Life DVD |
I - 900421 | I'm Not Finished Yet DVD |
K - 900308 | Kiss Your Fat Goodbye, DVD |
L - 901275 | LETTING GO OF FEAR, DVD |
L - 901176 | Life Energies DVD - NEW!!! |
L - 901015 | Living a Dynamic Life, DVD |
M - 900940 | Mind Power, DVD |
N - 998100 | Natural Pet Care, DVD |
GN-SPEC.09.15.08 | NEW - Power Chefs 5-DVD Set! |
NiceEasyDVD | Nice & Easy DVD |
OvercomingAddictiveDVD | Overcoming Addictive Behavior DVD |
O - 998506 | Overcoming Cardiovascular Disease - DVD |
O - 900735 | Overcoming Fatigue:A Natural Approach, DVD |
GN-Darkside-DVD | Overcoming The Dark Side 2 DVD Set |
P - 900728 | Pain: A Natural Approach, DVD |
P - 318733 | Power Aging - DVD |
PowerFoodsDVD | Power Foods DVD |
P - 318707 | Preparing Live Foods - DVD |
P - 900810 | Prescription for Disaster DVD |
Cancer2DVDSet | Preventing & Reversing Cancer Naturally 2 DVD's |
Diabetes-3DVD | Preventing & Reversing Diabetes Naturally 3DVD Set |
R - 900407 | Rebalance Your Life DVD |
GN-heart-DVD | Reversing Heart Disease & Stroke Naturally DVD |
S - 900612 | Self Empowerment Series 7 DVD Set |
DVD-sexheal-phone | Sexual Healing - DVD |
S - 900315 | Staying Young Forever DVD |
GN-STRESSDVD | Stress Management, A Natural Approach DVD |
S - 900353 | Supercharge your Immune System- DVD |
The 13th Step DVD | The 13th Step DVD |
Law of Attraction DVD | The Law of Attraction DVD |
VN-DC-DVD | Vaccine Nation DVD, NEW Director's Cut - $14.95 |
W - 900834 | Wake Up and Get Healthy, DVD |
I - 900414 | You're smarter then you think - DVD |
All DVD Titles available from Gary Null: | |
sku | Title |
7 - 900360 | 7 Steps to Perfect Health DVD |
7 - 900766 | 7 Steps to Total Health, 7 DVD |
A - 998001 | Age is Only a Number - DVD |
A - 900919 | Aids: A Second Opinion DVD |
T - 900988 | AIDS: The Untold Story, DVD |
A - 8997509 | Allergies: A Natural Approach, DVD |
A - 900995 | Art of Health, 4 DVD Set |
A - 997301 | Arthritis: A Natural Approach DVD |
A - 902234 | Autism: Made In The USA DVD |
GN_healthyWomanDVD | Be a HEALTHY WOMAN! DVD |
BeingaWinnerDVD | Being a Winner DVD |
BuildingImmuneDVD | Building the Immune System Naturally DVD |
C - 900667 | Change Your Life DVD |
EssentialNeedsDVD | Choosing Your Essential Needs DVD |
D - 900926 | Deconstructing the Myth of Aids DVD |
DentalCareDVD | DentalCareDVD |
de-stressDVD | De-Stress Now DVD |
DVD-detoxification | Detoxification: A Natural Approach - DVD |
D - 900346 | Diet for a Lifetime DVD |
GN-DOC | Drugging of Our Children DVD |
E - 318740 | Embracing Our Bliss - DVD (Self Empowerment Series |
E - 900469 | Embracing Passion DVD |
E - 900438 | Enhancing Self-Esteem DVD |
EyeCareDVD | Eye Care DVD |
F - 900278 | Fatal Fallout - The Bush Legacy DVD |
FoodMoodBookDVD | Food Mood Connection Book + DVD |
FoodMoodDVD | Food Mood Connection DVD |
G - 318516 | Guilt Free Vegetarian Desserts DVD |
HairCareDVD | Hair Care DVD |
HappinessDVD | Happiness DVD |
HealingYourBodyDVD | Healing Your Body Naturally DVD |
H - 901190 | Honor Your Self, DVD |
H - 900452 | How to Manifest a Beautiful Life DVD |
I - 900421 | I'm Not Finished Yet DVD |
K - 900308 | Kiss Your Fat Goodbye, DVD |
L - 901275 | LETTING GO OF FEAR, DVD |
L - 901176 | Life Energies DVD - NEW!!! |
L - 901015 | Living a Dynamic Life, DVD |
M - 900940 | Mind Power, DVD |
N - 998100 | Natural Pet Care, DVD |
GN-SPEC.09.15.08 | NEW - Power Chefs 5-DVD Set! |
NiceEasyDVD | Nice & Easy DVD |
OvercomingAddictiveDVD | Overcoming Addictive Behavior DVD |
O - 998506 | Overcoming Cardiovascular Disease - DVD |
O - 900735 | Overcoming Fatigue:A Natural Approach, DVD |
GN-Darkside-DVD | Overcoming The Dark Side 2 DVD Set |
P - 900728 | Pain: A Natural Approach, DVD |
P - 318733 | Power Aging - DVD |
PowerFoodsDVD | Power Foods DVD |
P - 318707 | Preparing Live Foods - DVD |
P - 900810 | Prescription for Disaster DVD |
Cancer2DVDSet | Preventing & Reversing Cancer Naturally 2 DVD's |
Diabetes-3DVD | Preventing & Reversing Diabetes Naturally 3DVD Set |
R - 900407 | Rebalance Your Life DVD |
GN-heart-DVD | Reversing Heart Disease & Stroke Naturally DVD |
S - 900612 | Self Empowerment Series 7 DVD Set |
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Colon cleansing can provide relief from maladies such as colds & flu, constipation, diarrhea, breath and body odors, fatigue, headaches, sinusitis, allergies, hemorrhoids, weight problems, digestive difficulties, back and muscle aches, knee pain, poor eyesight, poor memory, stress, and the list goes on and on. We cannot expect to have sharp minds or vitality for living when our bodies are polluted. People report greater alertness, a lightness of being, mental clarity, overwhelming joy, incredible insight, and even better sex after cleansing. Click here to read Benefits of the Enema according to Dr. Bernard Jensen (excerpt from Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management).
Do you look and feel older than you are? Do you know that colon cleansing (also known as colonic, bowel irrigation, high enema, and colenema) improves skin and muscle tone, and reduces signs of aging? Is your waistline getting bigger every year no matter how much you exercise? Are you tired of being overweight? Are your joints stiff, weak or painful? Do you suffer from arthritis?
Colon cleansing can relieve aches and pains and their causes! Is your pleasure for living gone? Eliminate moodiness and fatigue and start enjoying increased energy! Colon cleansing or bowel irrigation promotes optimum food absorption and improved peristaltic action by removing old mucoid accumulation and toxins.
Colon irrigation is an alternative health hydrotherapy that gradually and gently cleanses the colon by flushing with a warm water solution. Colon cleansing is preventative healthcare, there is no better place to begin to rid your body of toxins and contamination that may cause cancer, colitis, digestive disorders, fatigue, obesity, and so much more.
Difficulties controlling weight may be due to the excess garbage piled up in the colon. Did you know you can actually control or lose weight by removing the toxic build-up from your colon? Did you know the average weight loss after a single colon cleansing treatment is 2 - 4 pounds?
All sick people have bowel trouble, whether they know it or not. Without getting the bowel back to proper functioning, all other therapies, treatments, supplements or other aids fall far short of their potential good. Proper bowel function is an essential precondition for staying healthy, and if ill, to overcome sickness and disease. By gently washing the colon with warm water, colon cleansing actually exercises and tones your muscles! Bad bacteria are flushed out to start building a healthy inner environment. Some people have lost 4-15 pounds solely through hydrotherapy, by cleansing out the old waste. It's been reported that some people get hooked on colonics. Hydrotherapy should be undertaken periodically, and should not be used as a replacement for good bowel function.
About Colonics from Dr. Bernard Jensen
Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, famous surgeon and the father of Kellogg's Corn Flakes, believed that the bowel could be the origin of most health problems, hence his creation of a bran cereal to aid in colon function. He maintained that 90% of disease is due to improper functioning of the colon. After performing over 20,000 colon surgeries, Dr. Kellogg said he never did see a normal healthy American colon. Common sense tells us that if we retain the contents of our colon the result will be disfigurement and disease of the colon. Since newly formed cancer cells escape destruction by the immune system due to the effects of autointoxication, we are literally poisoning ourselves into illness when the bowel evacuation is deficient.The wholistic view is: an organic or integrated whole has a reality that is greater than the sum of it's parts.
Autointoxication is defined as "the poisoning of the body, or some part of the body, by toxic matter generated therein." Autointoxication is self-poisoning, or slow suicide!
Autointoxication theorizes that accumulated intestinal waste products poison the body and are a major contributor to many, if not all, disease.
Early indications of colon problems include: sallow skin, coated tongue, bad breath, offensive body odor, headaches, bloating, poor appetite, stiff joints (especially knees), lethargy, dizziness, muscle pain, moodiness and irritability, hemorrhoids, skin rash, hypertension, vision problems, palpitations and a feeling of stomach heaviness.*
God: A Definition
God is a word that means different things to different people. To many Taoist or Buddhist the word is not part of their religion's glossary. To Hindus that word has a different meaning than it does to a Christian. Muslims have a different perspective and so do the Jews. So for the purpose of The Mystic Doctrines website, we need a common definition of God. Quoting different sources from each religion before revealing the definition.
Tao, the subtle reality of the universe cannot be described, That which can be described in words is mearly a conception of the mind. Although names and descriptions have been applied to it, the subtle reality is beyond the description.
Tao Teh Ching - beginning of chapter 1The subtle essense of the universe is elusive and evasive.
It is the subtle origin of the whole of creation and non-creation. It existed prior to the beginning of time as the deep and subtle reality of the universe. It brings all into being.
Tao Teh Ching - portions of chapter 21
"There is, O monks, an unborn, unoriginated, uncreated, unformed. Were there not, O monks, this unborn, unoriginated, uncreated, unformed, there would be no escape from the world of the born, originated, created, formed.
"Since, O monks, there is an unborn, unoriginated, uncreated, and unformed, therefore is there an escape from the born, originated, created, formed."
The Gospel of Buddha - Sermon at the bamboo grove at Rajagaha
Neither the multitude of gods nor great sages know of my origin, for I am the source of all the gods and great sages.
A mortal who knows me as the unborn, beginningless great lord of the worlds is freed from all delusion and all evils.
The Bhagavad-Gita - The tenth teaching, verses 2 & 3Sihkism
There is One, only One Supreme Being, Truth Eternal, Creator of all seen & unseen, Fearless, Without hatred, Timeless Being, Non-Incarnated, Self created, Realized by the Grace of Guru (Perfect Master Only.)
Guru Granth Sahib Page 1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Genesis 1:1For thus saith the Eternal that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the self existent One; and there is none else.
Isaiah 45:18
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself. He was present originally with God. All things were made and came into existence through Him; and without him was not one thing made that has come into being.
Gospel of John 1:1-3
You are the Absolute Existence which causes (our) transient (existences) to appear.
Masnavi - Book 1 - Creator and Creation
Now, a definition of God.God is the indescribable, uncreated, self existent, eternal all knowing source of all reality and being. PURE CONSCIOUSNESS!
BKLYN NY 11238
"Black Raw Food History"
The History Makers who started it all.....
Dick Gregory
"I am willing to go to jail for you"
Interview/Article: http://www.satyamag.com/apr96/gregory.html
Dick Gregory's Home Page: http://www.DickGregory.com
One of the founders of the raw vegan movement Gregory achieved fame with his popular Bahamian Diet in the 1960’s. Also a comedian, political activist, and marathon runner!
Aris Latham
The 2004 Oxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink in America acclaims: ‘…the raw food movement owes much to Aris LaTham, a native of Panama, he is considered to be the father of gourmet ethical vegetarian raw foods cuisine in America. He debut his raw food creations in 1979, when he started Sunfired Foods, a live-foods company in New York City. In the years since he has trained thousands of raw food chefs and added innumerable recipes to his repertoire…’ Dr. Aris LaTham has a Master's degree in Linguistics and a Ph.D. in Food Science. He has been featured on major television stations in the United States (ABC & NBC), and major publications (Essence magazine, Time magazine, Vegetarian Times). He has done seminars for the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) and has done consultations for Strawberry Hill, Swept Away and the Golden Door, a spa in the United States and Mexico. Dr. LaTham currently lives and works in St. Mary and teaches food preparation courses, has chef/cook training, offers assistance in detoxifying the individual and kitchen (ridding the kitchen of toxic substances and restocking it with healthful food), and runs a spa.
Karyn Calabrese
A featured guest on Oprah’s Age Defying Women, Chicago raw restauranteur Karyn Calabrese was recently also showcased in Fearless Women over 50, an inspiring coffee table book with stories and wonderful photography.
Storm Talifero
The muscular and forever young raw vegan, author of several eBooks on Raw Food, producer of the documentary “Breakthrough” about his raw vegan family, and developer of The Circular Workout for muscle-toning without stress for long-term fitness.
Annette Larkins
The Black Grandma who hands out her free raw food booklet to everyone who asks her why she looks so young, pretty much everywhere she goes!
And The New Breed...
Lillian Butler
Raw Soul Catering, Restaurant and Classes: http://www.rawsoul.com
Before and Afters and Story: http://www.rawfoodinfo.com/pictures/befafter_lillianbutler.html
Lillian Butler is the Raw Soul of NYC! After experiencing tremendous health and transformation on raw foods Lillian has planted and grown several raw food businesses to help bring this lifestyle to others!
Zakhah is the young author of The Joy of Living Live, A Raw Food Journey – a wonderful uncook book which also features a comprehensive photographic listing of Black raw foodists around the world.
Khepere Anu
Part of the wonderful crew at Veg Soul, a raw food retreat center in Jamaica! He is also a mathematician and professional investor who has devoted his life to following a path of greater enlightenment, prosperity, and expansion of consciousness. This path includes the practice of an exclusive live foods diet, daily yoga and meditation, and Capoeira Angola. Khepere is committed to sharing the live food lifestyle and a prosperous mentality in his quest to continue to heal and nourish himself and others.
Penny Powell
The Editor in Chief of Pear Magazine, the Online Magazine of Fresh Organic Lifestyles covering Living Cuisine and Beyond. With her warm writing, communication, networking and leadership talents, Penny is a strong new voice in the raw food movement.
Black History Raw-Vegan Tribute
"I Stand In Awe"
by Penny Powell
I stand in awe of those who came
To pave the way for the raw-food name
For those who continually seek and share
For those who have not been afraid to dare.
I stand in awe of these Black raw-food greats
Who keep cooked and processed food off of their plates
Who understand the truth about optimum health
Whose wisdom about this subject is indeed their wealth.
I stand in awe of these creative gifts who are forever giving
Who easily delight the palette with food that is raw and living
Who understand precisely what the body needs
Fruit, vegetables, nuts, sprouted grains and seeds.
To Dick Gregory
To Dr. Aris LaTham
To Karyn Calabrese
To Storm Talifero
To Annette Larkins
To Lillian Butler
To Zakhah
To Khepere Anu
I stand in awe of you
With love and admiration
Namaste and God Bless you!
1. Want More for Others than You want for Yourself
Whatever you perceive to be missing in your life, want that more for others.
2. Think From the End
See yourself as how you want to be, what you want your life to be like
‘I can create what I want for myself and see myself as already having it.’
3. Be an Appreciator of Your Life
Look for that which is valuable in your life and appreciate it.
4. Stay in Rapport with Source Energy
Be in a state of harmony with Source, that which is love, compassion, peace, understanding.
Every thought that isn’t what is like Source is resistance; if that thought is not loving, forgiving, compassionate.
Contemplate the conditions that you want to produce abundance.
Take the path of least resistance; be as closely aligned to Source energy.
You are a divine source; a spiritual being having a human experience.
Shame is the lowest form of energy and least like Source energy
Am I matched up with the Field of Intention?
Stay connected to Source. Like silence it is the only thing that cannot be divided.