I was trolling around the web and came across a website healthier-harvest.com, which has what it calls "facts" on health. Now I am not recommending the site or the products, but its "Did You Know" list on health-related problems, is worth reading. Some of the info I have read before, but not all. And while I found the list intriguing, I am reluctant to call it factual, because Dr. Bill Kellas of Greenville,Texas, who runs the site, does not provide any sources. Anyway take a look.
Health Facts - Did You Know?
1. An illness is considered chronic if it has continued over 120 days -- 100 Million people in
the U.S. have a chronic illness.
2. Symptoms warn you there is a problem. If you simply mask the symptoms with a drug, it does
not eliminate the root cause. It makes as much sense as dealing with a warning light on your
cars dashboard by unplugging it.
3. We get a virus when our Immune system is not healthy. A healthy Immune System stops a virus
from infecting the body. What makes an unhealthy Immune System healthy? Enzymes, vitamins,
protein (amino acids), protective Lactobacillus (mercury kills Lactobacillus), minerals, fiber,
essential oils (anti-oxidants).
4. Enzymes are a must for optimal health. Hardening of the arteries, gall-bladder problems heart
disease, fibro-cystic breasts, and chronic illness have been linked to a lack of enzymes. How
do we destroy enzymes ? By heating and over-cooking our food.
5. Vitamins and co-enzymes must be taken with food. A vitamin-mineral supplement blocks
absorption of one or the other. Minerals must be balanced and taken on an empty stomach.
6. Synthesized vitamins are not balanced and miss some necessary nutrients. They release at the
wrong time into the system and are not bioavailable.
7. Bacteria in the mouth is more toxic than Botulism. It can cause heart disease. Infection
following root canals cause heart attacks. Most disease is caused by bacteria in the mouth.
Most bacterial infections are chronic. Most people eliminate bad breath by covering it up.
8. Sleep Problems can be eliminated by minerals, especially calcium and potassium.
9. PMS indicates poor fat/oil digestion. The body's myelin sheath is composed of fat, without it
the membrane is destroyed.
10. Soy Protein not properly processed in the body will stop digesting of protein, necessary for overall
body function.
11. DHEA tells the body not to make essential hormones. Lack of essential oils leads to cancer and
12. SAM-e, taken long-term by mouth, suppresses the body's ability to convert homocysteine into
SAM-e. The body makes its own SAM-e if we provide it with the nutrients to do so.
13. Prozac was tested for only six weeks prior to its introduction to the market. It is still uncertain how
it impacts the body. Prozac is associated with more illness and death than any other FDA
approved drug. The FDA employs only 54 people approving drugs.
14. Parasites inhabit the bodies of 50% - 80% of the U.S. population they don't even know it. Humans
can become infected with at least 30 parasitic illnesses from their pets. Oftentimes problems like
immune dysfunction, juvenile diabetes, allergies, hypoglycemia, constipation, diarrhea, depression,
and liver or lung difficulties can be helped if parasites are eliminated from the system.
15. Every minute of the day someone has a stroke. Every four minutes a stroke victim dies. Stress
is the major cause of cancer, heart attack and stroke. 2,700 people die each day from heart
disease, 1,000 people are disabled each day from heart attacks.
16. Homocysteine is a co-conspirator with high cholesterol (discovered over 30 years ago) in
causing heart disease. Protein rich foods contain an amino acid, Methionine, that converts to
homocysteine(a toxic amino acid). Excess levels of homocysteine damage the lining of
arteries, cholesterol builds up inside the scarred arteries, and can lead to fatal blockages.
Synthetic Niacin doubles homocysteine. Standard food processing causes a deficiency of
important B-vitamins, namely B6, B12, and folic acid. These nutritional deficiencies lead to a
buildup of homocysteine, an amino acid that triggers heart disease.
17. Premarin, a hormone replacement, is the most widely prescribed medicine for women in the U.
S. It was thought to be effective in lowering the risk of heart attacks (the leading killer of
women) since the 1980's. It has now been proven to have no correlation.
18. The use of aspirin and Ibuprofen is the 15th leading cause of death in the United States. More
people die from these products than die from AIDS!
19. According to the Center for Disease Control, the causes of disease are:
Heredity = 18%, Environment = 19%, Lifestyle = 15%, Medical intervention = 10%
20. Fat does not make you fat - sugar does. The body needs good fat (Omega 3 & 6 essential oils)
as they transport toxins from body. Without essential oils the myelin sheath is broken down, it can't
transport toxins, and the body is low in anti-oxidants. Bad fat = Animal fat, margarine, Hydrogenated
21. After 10 years of fat-free diets, 55% of the US population is overweight, with one in four adults
considered obese. Fat-free diets cause weight gain, degenerative disease, PMS.
22. 50% of the US population does not eat fresh fruits and vegetables at all -10% eat the daily
allotment of fruits and veggies. Fatty and sugary foods have replaced fruits and vegetables in the
American diet.
23. One fifth of the "vegetables" Americans eat today are French fries and potato chips.
24. Radiation of foods kills the nutritional value altogether. Freezing causes 40% loss of nutrient value
in foods.
25. The Standard American Diet (SAD) is damaging to the liver, resulting in allergies, digestive
problems, low energy, pain, and more serious disorders. Liver dysfunction can result in mental
fatigue, headaches, muscle pain, nerve problems, age spots, and emotional problems.
26. Food companies make more money from processed, high calorie foods, and marketing campaigns
capitalize on the natural desire for sugar.
27. Half a million chemical toxins in pre-packaged foods are approved by the FDA.
28. Food cravings are due to a lack of true nutrients in the diet. Chocolate cravings are only your body's
way of crying out for magnesium.
29. Very high protein diets and inadequate carbohydrates in the form of fruits and vegetables can be
dangerous as it leads to extreme weight loss (the body/heart eats itself and kidneys shut down) and
muscles waste. Carbohydrates are necessary to keep warm.
30. Cholesterol is made faster from sugar than fat. High levels of obesity, surging cholesterol levels,
and deficiencies in important vitamins and minerals leave individuals prone to disease.
31. Chronic illness, digestive problems, acid reflux, etc., are caused by a lack of enzymes in the body.
The liver puts out hundreds of enzymes alone. If the liver is not functioning properly, enzymes are
inhibited. Drugs inhibit liver function.
32. Your body has three salt lakes: the lymphatic system, the blood system, and the interstitial cell
system. Salt is necessary for the optimal functioning of these systems.
33. Commercial salts are processed at extremely high temperatures that eliminate the magnesium.
It contains undissolved silicate that tends to deposit itself on the interior walls of the arteries causing
clogged arteries, and it contains aluminum silicate introduced to make the salt pour easily during
humid weather. Aluminum is a toxic metal to the body. Sea salt is the healthiest salt to use.
34. Antacids contain aluminum which blocks the system necessary to detoxify our body. The result is increased allergies and weight gain. Continual use of antacids destroy the body's ability to digest food.
35. Aluminum is also the most active ingredient in most antiperspirants and deodorants. Aluminum
contributes to breast cancer in women.
36. Lactobacillus sporogenes is healthy bacteria needed for proper digestion and colon protection. Parasites destroy also breed fungus without sufficient acidophilus in the body.
37. Drugs cause loss of magnesium. Symptoms: the heart fibrillates and you become hypertensive. The most common drug given for hypertension blocks everything required for cells to work properly.
38. One million people are injured by medical intervention each year. Two million people are injured by
drugs each year. Only 1% of the injuries are actually reported.
39. AZT inhibits copper and zinc. The immune system needs copper and zinc to function optimally.
40. Birth Control Pills block vitamin absorption.
41. Vitamin B-3, Niacin, and B-12 are necessary for energy. Zinc helps make progesterone. When Zinc
is blocked or not bio-available the result is PMS.
42. Vitamin C is an anti-oxidant. In the form of Ascorbic Acid, it causes cancer. Mega doses of vitamin
C turn the C into an antihistamine which chelates copper out of your body. Calcium supplements
taken with a glass of orange juice are not utilized by the system as the vitamin C overrides the
calcium. Coral Calcium is high in heavy metals. Heavy metals tend to drop to the feet and stay
43. Vitamin E is the strongest anti-oxidant. It provides necessary oils and makes hormones work in the
body. Without vitamin E we lose the ability to fight free-radicals.
44. Low electrolytes = loose stools, difficulty sleeping, water retention
Low Potassium = pain in kidneys, shallow breathing, quick beating heart, and mid-afternoon fatigue,
Low Calcium = aching bones/joints
Low Salt = cold hands/feet and low energy
45. Synthetic vitamins and supplements take 1-4 years off your life expectancy due to the body's
increased effort to digest them. Synthetic vitamins and minerals bind with absorbable vitamins and
minerals in the body and eliminate them from the body.
46. 10,000 people die each year from an overdose of aspirin. Aspirin can remain in the system up to 7
47. Fluoride comes from Fluorine, a bi-product of fertilizer. It's a carcinogenic and blocks calcium absorption. Note the warning about Fluoride on the back of every toothpaste
48. Mercury fillings, combined with saliva in the mouth, act like a battery and conduct electrical energy. This eventually burns out the nervous system. Mercury also causes
potassium deficiency in the body. It is now illegal to put mercury in batteries due to toxicity but still
ok to put in the mouth.
49. Toxic heavy metals, chemicals and radioactive wastes are being recycled as fertilizer and spread
over farmers' fields nationwide -- and there is no federal law requiring that they be listed as
ingredients. Manufacturers can get rid of low-level radioactive waste by licensing it as liquid
fertilizer and spraying it over crops. Substances considered hazardous in the plant are not
considered hazardous when included in fertilizer.
50. It takes 32 glasses of water to flush the acid from one can of soda pop out of your system.
51. Periodontal disease causes you to lose 6.4 years of life expectancy.
52. Tap water across the Midwest is contaminated by dangerously high levels of weed killer that pose
a cancer risk to bottle-fed babies since babies consume an average of three 8-ounce bottles each
day. Infants fed formula made with contaminated tap water receive a lifetime dose of toxins in the
first four months of their lives!
53. Organic labeling does not protect you against toxins as organic products can be treated with
pesticides. Non-Detectable labeling assures you that there are absolutely no pesticides used!
54. If an aloe products is approved by the Aloe Science Council, you are guaranteed it does what it
says it does. Some commercial aloe's only contain one-tenth of 1% aloe in a gallon bottle. Aloe
products can contain 1000 gallons of water and 1 gallon of Aloe and still be advertised as 100%
stabilized. A little Aloe will only do a little good. The only protection the public has is the integrity of
the manufacturer.
55. MSM should not be used by those with mercury fillings in their mouth. It drives metals into the brain
and causes Alzheimer's.
56. After drinking a glass of milk each day for 365 days, you have consumed enough antibiotics to fill
a glass.
57. Whiplash/head injury causes the body to carry the head with bone, not muscles, and produces
extreme discomfort.
58. Unwrapped toothpicks and candies at cash registers in restaurants often contain fecal matter from
people who failed to wash their hands after using the restroom and then took a toothpick or candy
59. In 1997, there were 7 prescription drugs that sold over $1 Billion per year:
Prozac - Antidepressant
Zantac - Ulcers
Prilosec - Hyper-acidic
Zoloft - Anti-depressant
Zocor - High Cholesterol
Procardia - High Blood Pressure
Neo-Progen - Side-effects of chemotherapy
60. 90,000 people die each year from infections that they contract while in the hospital.
100,000 people die each year from adverse drug reactions. Legally prescribed medications are
among the leading cause of death in the U.S. Illicit drugs kill 5,000 - 10,000 people each year.
$200 Billion a year is spent on headache relief, yet 90% of headaches are caused by lack of water
in the body.
1 billion dollars is spent on prescription drugs each year.
20 million people are presently diagnosed with Osteoarthritis.
5 million people are presently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.