"What does love have to do with it ?"
What does Love have to do with it? Love is acceptance
Characteristics of Love: patience, kind, rejoices with the truth
protects, trust, hopes, preserves, faithful, and never fails
Five ways to express love [5 love languages]: words, acts and or deeds of service, quality time, gifts, and touch.
What are your priotized love languages to recieve ?
What are your prioritized love languages to give ?
Six types of Love (Preferences)
Romantic: is a powerful yearning whose mysterious depths are never completely unraveled or understood.
Mania: Love in which one lovers needs of the other are never completely satisfied, and any lack of attention or affection results in great anxiety and terrible pain, which is characterized by restlessness, agitation, loss of appetite, and heartache.
Erotic: physical beauty, great pleasure in physical attributes, sensual and passion though frequently short lived.
Playful: tentative and somewhat detached, does not allow themselves or their partners to become too dependent.
Companion: Friendships which deepens into a loving lasting relationship.
Realistic: seeks complete compatibility with perspective partners and then hopes that the perfect match will engender feelings of passion.
Selfless: giving freely without expectations of reciprocity. The most selfless and the most difficult to achieve. (AGAPE LOVE)
What Love is not.....
What Love is not: envious, boastful, proud, rude, self seeking, not easily angered, keeps no records of wrong, does not delight in evil.
What types of love and or “love nots” are you giving and or receiving in your present relationships?