True Self, False Self (only available at Audible, click on the book to get it there)
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True Self, False Self, Richard Rohr
5 Hrs, 16 Mins
A great talk on the dichotomy of the true self and false self from a Christian perspective.
A New Earth (click on the book to get it at Amazon)
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A New Earth, Eckhart Tolle
9 Hrs, 12 Mins
One of the newest books from Eckhart Tolle, this provides a good foundation for understanding.
The Power of Now (click on the book to get it at Amazon, click on the audible logo to get it at Audible)
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The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle
7 Hrs, 41 Mins
Eckhart Tolle’s first popular book, this one outlines the importance of the Now and remaining conscious in the Now.
Making the Shift (click on the book to get it at Amazon, click on the audible logo to get it at Audible)
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Making the Shift, Dr. Wayne Dyer
5 Hrs, 38 Mins
A live talk from Hawaii, Dr. Wayne Dyer outlines his wisdom on consciousness, the Tao te Ching, and The Shift.
Happiness (click on the book to get it at Amazon, click on the Audible logo to get it at Audible)
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Happiness, A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill, Matthieu Ricard
9 Hrs, 9 Mins
Matthieu Ricard is a French born Buddhist Monk who has traveled and spoken with the Dalai Lama. Excellent book!
Awakening Compassion
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Awakening Compassion; Meditation Practice for Difficult Times, Pema Chodron
6 Hrs, 53 Mins
Pema Chodron is an enlightened monk and amazing spiritual teacher, and in this live talk, she explains the disciplines and benefits of meditation.
Buddhist Meditation for Beginners (click on book to get it at Amazon, click on the Audible logo to get it at Audible)
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Buddhist Meditation for Beginners, Jack Kornfield
6 Hrs, 15 Mins
Known for bringing Insight Meditation to the West and for his many best-selling books, including A Path With Heart, Jack Kornfield now offers a collection of his most popular teachings with Buddhist Mediation for Beginners.
The Voice of Knowledge (click on book to get it at Amazon, click on the Audible logo to get it at Audible)
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Voice of Knowledge: A Practical Guide to Inner Peace, don Miguel Ruiz
2 Hrs, 37 Mins
In The Voice of Knowledge, don Miguel Ruiz reminds us of a profound and simple truth: The only way to end our emotional suffering and restore our joy in living is to stop believing in lies, mainly about ourselves.
The Prophet
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The Prophet, Kahlil Gibran
1 Hrs, 22 Mins
The Prophet is an ancient classic. Beautiful. Poetic. Poignant. A must read.
A Course in Miracles (Click on the book to get it at Amazon, click on the Audible logo to get it at Audible)
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A Course in Miracles, Helen Schucman
37 Hrs, 30 Mins
This is probably the best deal at 37 hours of audio for 1 credit! Go get it!
The New Revelations (Click on the book to get it at Amazon, click on the Audible logo to get it at Audible)
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The New Revelations, Neal Donald Walsh
5 Hrs, 59 Mins
This is one of Neal Donald Walsch’s best books.
Spontaneous Awakening (Click on the book to get it at Amazon, click on the Audible logo to get it at Audible)
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Spontaneous Awakening, Adyashanti
7 Hrs, 27 Mins
This is a recording of a retreat given by spiritual leader Adyashanti.
Tao Te Ching (Click on the book to get it at Amazon, click on the Audible logo to get it at Audible)
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Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu, Stephen Mitchell
1 Hrs, 43 Mins
The Tao Te Ching is the classic that initiated the eastern philosophy of Taoism. Lao Tzu (Laozi) is a master whose wisdom still rings true today.
My Stroke of Insight (Click on the book to get it at Amazon, click on the Audible logo to get it at Audible)
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My Stroke of Insight, Jill Bolte Taylor
5 Hrs, 46 Mins
A neuroscientist’s journey through the experience of a stroke that landed her inside the doorstep of spiritual transcendence.
Proof of Heaven (Click on the book to get it at Amazon, click on the Audible logo to get it at Audible)
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Proof of Heaven, Eben Alexander, M.D.
5 Hrs, 13 Mins
A neurosurgeon’s experience with a sickness that plunged him into a deep coma with little brain activity, and his experience of Heaven during his coma and complete, mathematically impossible recovery.
Why Christianity Must Change or Die (Click on the book to get it at Amazon)
Why Christianity Must Change or Die, John Shelby Spong
A Bishop’s thoughts on how Christianity has shifted away from its original messages and the teachings of Jesus, and how today’s Christian teachings are not accurate in explaining the real nature of God. A wonderfully analytical and spiritual book.
Tuesdays With Morrie (Click on the book to get it at Amazon)
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Tuesdays With Morrie, Mitch Albom
3 Hrs, 41 Mins
A young man’s visits with a dying old man reveal the best of life’s secrets.
Autobiography of a Yogi (Click on the book to get it at Amazon)
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Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda
17 Hrs, 36 Mins
A favorite of Steve Jobs, Autobiography of a Yogi is a classic text introducing people to the mystical world of yogic traditions and personal development to levels previously unforeseen.
The Emotional Life of Your Brain (Click on the book to get it at Amazon)
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The Emotional Life of Your Brain, Richard Davidson
10 Hrs, 58 Mins
This is one of the best and most readable books on what is going on in the brain when we experience emotions, and how we might be able to better take control of that process.
The Mindful Brain(Click on the book to get it at Amazon)
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The Mindful Brain, Dan Siegel
4 Hrs, 48 Mins
Dan Siegel is the best mind in the world on interpersonal neurobiology, is the Founding Chairman of the Mindsight Institute, is a Professor of Psychiatry at UCLA Medical Center with specialties in child, adolescent and adult psychology, and he is one of the world’s leading experts on the neuroscience of mindfulness.