The first of November has been officially designated by the UN as World Vegan Day and the beginning of World Vegan Month. Take the day and give up ALL animal products (meat, milk, ice cream, leather, FUR, etc) for the animals, your health and for the environment. You might be surprised how easy it is and you may decide to give it up longer. For free total and unconditional support call Dr. Natural 718-783-3465 and join our vegan community at and / or go to and look for vegan groups in your area to join.
So take this day to help our planet by being a vegan for a month (or longer)
[like Beyonce, Venus and Serena - SMILE].
Everyone should be watching the NYC marathon today for motivation and inspiration to start running as a form of exercise. the benefits are phenomenal. call Dr. Natural 718-783-3465 to become / stay motivated to run or join a ruuning group in your area (google or go to
There is no such thing as luck, circumstance nor coincidence!
You reading this email on world vegan day / month and marathon day means you are suppose to get started today with no procrastination nor excuses!
Being a vegan and running is extremely healthy and natural for all humans. If you cant run then walk fast.