The collective of Alkebu-lan Consciousness Rising, Diva Collectibles and Roc-A-Natural would like to extend an invitation to you to join us at the Kwanzaa Celebration & Ujamaa Marketplace, Saturday, Dec 29, 2018 @ Dreyfus I.S. 49, 101 Warren St, SI, NY 10304 from 4pm-10pm.
This FREE family-friendly community event will be hosted at Dreyfus JHS 49, Stapleton to commemorate the Kwanzaa Principle of Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics) and will focus on traditional African values of family, community responsibility, commerce and self-improvement.
We are seeking educators, activities, entertainment, designers and most importantly the UJAMAA MARKETPLACE!
Please note the Vendor prices are the following: $31.17 for Arts & Crafts and $51.75 Food. To become a vendor, please click here: and complete online application and make payment to PayPal,
For more information on getting involved as an entertainer (singers, dancers, poets, etc) or volunteer, please contact: Greg Taylor (917) 664-1959 / Tina Brown (718) 300-9402.