Diary of a Tired Black Man
Free Viewing and Raw Vegan Potluck Party
Temple of Illumination
138 Saint James Place
Brooklyn, NY 11238
7pm - 4am
This Weekend
Saturday April 18, 2009
In recent years, numerous revenge-themed Hollywood adventures have seemed to take a certain delight in portraying black men as unreliable womanizers undeserving of any respect, like the sort of losers always airing their dirty linen any day of the week on The Jerry Springer Show. From Waiting to Exhale to Two Can Play That Game to Diary of a Mad Black Woman, these female empowerment flicks have generally left brothers not only browbeaten but in need of an image overhaul. Now, help has arrived in Diary of a Tired Black Man, a fascinating half-documentary-half melodrama from the very talented Tim Alexander.