Using The Four Steps to Forgiveness
which is different from the Ho' oponopono Prayer.
Let me know what you think. Dr. Natural 718-783-3465
Using The Four Steps to Forgiveness
It is best to do the Four Steps
in writing
till you get some experience.
Step 1: State who you need to forgive and for what.
Step 2: Acknowledge how you currently feel about the situation.
It is best if these are your honest feelings, not the nice, polite things you think you should feel.
You need to work from how you really feel.
Then you express your willingness to at least be open to the possibility of letting go of those feelings.
Step 3: State the benefits you will get from forgiving.
This will mainly be the opposite of what you are currently feeling.
Sadness will become happiness, anger will become peace, heaviness becomes a feeling of lightness and so on.
If you are not sure about the benefits just choose a few general good feelings which you would like to have for now (happier, more at ease, more confident etc).
It helps if you can imagine how much better you will feel when you have forgiven.
Step 4: Commit yourself to forgiving.
This is simply stating who you intend to forgive and then acknowledging the benefits which come from forgiving.
Ho' oponopono Prayer
1.) I love you.
2.) I am sorry.
3.) Please forgive me.
4.) Thank you.
I realize many folks I know have a serious problem saying the phrase "I love you."
If you are one of those individuals, and you and I know who you
You may want to start with the four steps to forgiveness until your heart chakra and / or your spiritual consciousness awakens.
There is a show I highly recommend called "Love Goals".
If you cannot find the show you are welcome to come my location and see it.
Everyone needs to see that show.
Dr. Natural