This is a touchy one, but it’s the single most important thing you can be aware of today.
I know it’s not my place to make decisions for you and your family…
And I believe that the choices you make for your health are 100% up to you.
But if you’re concerned with the safety of the new mandatory shots (we can’t say the “V” word or this email will be censored) please read on…
Starting soon, a docuseries we’re calling “V-Revealed, Covid Edition” (in order to prevent triggering the censors) airs...
Exposing the full story behind the industry that affects every single one of us.
This is one of the most critical issues of our time. And this is where you can access the truth, the lies and the misinformation about this “pandemic.”
You know, the topic has been all-out banned from open discussion on Facebook, Google, YouTube, and Pinterest…
So if you’ve been trying to get information about it, you’re already aware that you won’t find anything that contradicts the opinion of Big Pharma and their new “shots.”
Should you be concerned? Here are some fast facts:
- 54% of American children have one or more chronic health conditions.
- The US has the highest rate of infant and child mortality of any developed country…
- And also claims the highest number of recommended (or mandated) “shots.”
- In some areas of the US, 1 out of every 34 children now has some form of autism.
- These shots contain mercury, aluminum, aborted human fetal cells, formaldehyde, and MSG… among other things.
- So many people have been injured by these shots that there is a separate “court” set up to deal with loss of life and permanent injury…
- And Big Pharma is protected from having to pay any compensation for the damage they cause.
This is just the tip of the iceberg…
Did you know there is a group of board-certified doctors who have banned together to educate the public on the truth about this new pandemic and the new shots? Many of them have been fired for speaking out for patient safety.
Did you read that? FIRED, for advocating patient safety and education.
Word needs to get out now so that everyone has access to all the latest and true health information.
CLICK HERE NOW and please, register to watch “V” Revealed, Covid Edition today.
To your health,
Jeff Hays
Jeff Hays Films
"Movies that Make Movements"
P.S. Big Pharma and Big Tech are actively trying to control which scientific studies and what critical information you are allowed access to, blocking you from seeing the whole story.
Register for your free viewing here.
You’ll want to see this while you can… and the folks at VR - Covid Edition are committed to doing everything in their power to make sure that you have access to it, no matter how many times “they” shut it down.