Proof that all humans are intended by God & nature to be Raw Vegans. Dr. Natural 718-783-3465 join Please forward to everyone you know.
In my 30 plus years of experience of converting meat eaters to veganism, my best success came from having them, MEAT-EATERS, watch the documentary called "Eating" by Mike Anderson on and have them all take good notes while watching it and then have them read their notes back to you when they are done and then you have a discussion with them on how they desire to forward. If you are not already vegan call Dr. Natural at 718-783-3465 and read your notes to me and / or the vegan who sent you this email. It will improve the quality and quantity of life immediately with every
When I mentored over 200 young black girls at a high school called Benjamin Banneker High School in my neighborhood they had to take good notes on the documentary then do a presentation on their notes.
I never ask or demanded that they become vegan.
Most of them became vegan just by watching the documentary and they are still vegan decades later.
The number one reason why all humans should be vegan is because all humans based upon their anatomy are frugivores - meaning made by God and / or nature to eat fruits and leafy greens.
As stated in the bible Gen. Chapter 1 Verse 29 - "May the fruit bearing seed and green herbs shall be your meat."
The bible also states "Thou shall not kill" as one of the ten commandments.
Most individuals believe thou shall not kill was pertaining to killing another human.
Thou shall not kill pertains to you should not kill any living entity.
When eat the fruit and plant the seed as intended you did not kill that fruit.
When you prune leafy greens and leave the root intact to sprout again you did not kill the plant.
This was the diet for humans in the Garden of Eden [Equatorial Africa] before man and woman fell from grace.
Human Beings are the only species on the planet that cooks their food.
Humans only learned to use fire a 100 thousand year ago. Before then everything was eaten raw and / or fermented.
The best diet for humans is a mostly alkaline raw vegan diet at least 80 % or more.
Please forward to everyone.
Dr. Natural