Open letter to my Beloved Brother, Brother D from Dr. Natural 718-783-3465 Join
Dear Brother D,
I love you.
I love your mission statement which is for African People to control everything that is subject to human control that pertains to the wellbeing of African People.
You are presently lacking a vision statement which is needed immediately.
A vision statement would answer the question(s) what are the benefits of your mission statement as well as serve as a motivational tool for African People to be a part of your mission statement.
I personally know the benefits of your mission statement but this is your mission statement so therefore you need to put your vision statement in your own words immediately if this what you are truly about.
I also know just because Africans being in control does not guarantee a harmonious situation but hopefully a better situation than the one we have now.
I know you are a black man with integrity and pure intent who I trust so therefore I will make all of my resources available to you.
You already stated you need assistance in how to proliferate small tight knit group development and you also need assistance in creating a dominating presence on social media.
Brother D when you receive this email other like-minded individuals, some mutual contacts, some you do not know will be receiving this same email to assist you where you are weak.
Anyone reading this email and have the skills to assist Brother D please contact him immediately at 718-941-9519.
Brother D when individuals contact you let me know who they are so I can inform you how well I know them.
Brother D's contact phone number is 718-941-9519.
Brother D contact my good friend and housemate who I trust named Ty at 1212-729-8153 immediately and inform him that I referred you.
Brother D you and all likeminded individuals are invited to my next vegan potluck meeting Saturday June 13 at 3 pm, 2020 at Illumination Holistic Health Center 138 Saint James Place BKLYN, NY 11238.
Invite all of your contacts.
My mission & vision is to create an intentional community based upon spiritual enlightenment & vegan lifestyle whereas anyone with integrity and pure intent is welcome regardless of race & ethnicity.
The purpose of this vegan potluck is
Brother D I, Dr. Natural, will no longer have any attention span for semantics, issues that does not get us to the next level, interruptions, the past, etc.
If it does not move us forward, I am not interested.
Dr. Natural
RSVP 718-783-3465 347-760-8147 Dr. Natural
Sunday June 7, 2020 7 pm PRINCE'S BIRTHDAY BLOCK PARTY CELEBRATION 138 Saint James Place BKLYN, NY 11238
Free exercise programs indoors & outdoors, free raw vegan preparation demonstrations every day call 718-783-3465 for time,
138 Saint James Place BKLYN, NY 11238.
Block party every day at 7 pm 138 Saint James Place BKLYN, NY 11238.
Saturday June 13 at 3 pm, 2020 Vegan potluck meeting at Illumination Holistic Health Center 138 Saint James Place BKLYN, NY 11238.
My mission & vision is to create an intentional community based upon spiritual enlightenment & vegan lifestyle whereas anyone with integrity and pure intent is welcome.