(Free Youth Event Harlem January 14th 2017) call DR. NATURAL 718-783-3465 PLEASE FORWARD TO EVERYONE
I am helping put a free youth event for children ages 13-18 (100-150 students total) in Harlem NYC January 14th 2017. The kids will be coming from underprivileged circumstances and we believe we must invest in the youth so that they have a chance to live a fulfilled life of happiness. This event will be early morning into the afternoon.
We have professional speakers discussing financial literacy, higher education, legal rights (what the children can do to protect theirselves when it comes to police brutality and how to deescalate tense situations with police authority) and of course healthy/holistic eating.
This event is not a paid event as all the adults helping are donating their time to help the children. Also, we will be filming for digital and possible television so there will be a waiver that everyone in attendance must sign. I want to make sure I give you as many details so that you may let me know if this is something you may be a part of. In addition because this is a kids event, all adults must take a background check (this is ONLY to make sure there are no pedophiles or sex offenders present. We must make sure it is a safe environment for the children). The background check will be paid for by us-and it literally takes about 3minutes to fill out.
The speaker is expected to speak for 30minutes, in 6 different rotating groups (The speaker's content would be the same for every group, this is a total of 3 hours speaking) and a panel at the end for about 20minutes (speakers share the stage and take questions from the children) In total we are asking speakers to donate 4 hours of their time.
We will be providing breakfast, snacks and lunch to the children and to the speakers. I would love to hop on a call whenever it is convenient for you incase you have any additional questions and would like to go over the programming for the youth event. Let me know if this possible and what works for you.