Eating Documentary by Mike Anderson
The American diet is suicidal. More people are dying of eating too much than eating too little. People are dying of heart attacks and diseases because of following “healthy” guidelines. People assume that we know more now about diet than those living in the 1800s, however, they were not dying as much because of what they ate. Animal foods became more affordable and changed everything for the new era. Animal foods became more accessible.
By the year 2000 heart disease became the #1 killer in America. The latest nation on the planet. 85% of adults suffer from hardening of the arteries. Half of the entire population will die prematurely due to heart disease. What Americans consider a healthy diet is actually a train wreck to the body.
The best thing an animal diet does is kill people. Animal foods are pure cholesterol, which clog vessels. Plant foods open arteries.
Heart disease can be completely reversed with a plant-based diet.
American heart association diet guarantees heart disease. One single bad meal will show injuries to the arteries.
Plant based diet prevents obesity, hypertension, common cancers, adult diabetes etc.
The safest level of cholesterol has to be under 150.
Drug companies create profitable drugs that do not cure the disease but allow Americans to remain on the same diet that is killing them. Dying of heart disease is not normal.
Most cancer patients die of chemotherapy. A successful cancer treatment is defined as surviving surgery, chemotherapy and radiation for 5 years. If you die at year 6, it is still considered successful.
The war on cancer has been extremely ineffective and the search for sure is completely misguided.
The cure for cancer is the immune system. A strong immune system. The average person produces some cancer cells in their body every day. That is normal, however, a weak immune system won’t stop them from multiplying. By age 50 almost half of all women have breast cancer and men prostate cancer. Our immune system has been incredibly weakened by our diet.
The cure for cancer is inside of you. Plant foods are the only foods that boost the immune system. Trust your humble grocery store for organic fruits and vegetables.
Treating disease is profitable, preventing disease is not.
Drugs only treat symptoms.
There is no medical cure for breast cancer. Most women who have Breast cancer die from breast cancer.
Puberty has dropped from age 17 to age 12 and menopause 4 years later. Starting a menstrual cycle at 11 is not normal. The onset of puberty should be delayed.
Type 2 diabetes can be reversed in one week with a change in diet by eliminating concentrated starches & concentrated sugars.
In order to keep profits high in the medical industry they have created health myths that aren’t true such as milk helps create strong bones and that we need meat for protein. It’s a brainwashing myth and American eating habits are programming.