by James Khan
Mind body detox is an integrated thing - you can't fully cleanse your body if your mind holds fears, worries, stress and so forth. Similarly, you will not have peace of mind and true happiness if your body is being poisoned. Mind detox is removing the compulsive thoughts, fears, hates, worries and other attachments from our minds; body detox is removing the toxins and accumulatd crap from our bodies. The ancient Taoists, Buddha, Zen Buddhists, Sufis and others were practitioners of what we here call mind detox. These are a couple of Dohas or Stanzas from the Sufi Kabir in the original Hindi/Urdu language written in English script, and my translation: Bura Jo Dekhan Main Chala, Bura Naa Milya Koye (I went in search for the bad guy, but the bad guy I couldn't find When I searched my own mind, I saw that no one is as bad as I )
Kabir says that he realized that his own mind was the 'bad guy', the real criminal, the one who points the finger at others. In the second doha he says that he washed clean his mind, and now people everywhere follow Kabir, calling his name: Kabir, Kabir. Kabir's central message is to to first realize that our problems are caused not by other people, not by the world, not by the devil, but by our own minds. Kabir's Dohas and Songs are sung by Sadhus, Sufi's, Sikhs and Yogis throughout India as a means to achieving peace and sense of connection with the Infinite. As a Zen master asked: Tell me what problem you have, if you don't think about it? All our problems have the mind at their root. You need to first realize this, then you remove these mind manufactured 'problems' by controlling or silencing the monkey mind. You do this by not identifying with the thoughts, not identifying with the mind, the root cause of all our problems.It is crucial to realize that thoughts just come and go. They just come and go like waves or ripples on the sea. They have nothing to do with you, unless you 'think' they do, unless you say that's my thought, and start to give it substance, a solidity where none exists and start defending that thought with more thoughts. Just drop it. Drop the Ego. The Buddha after spending 6 years studying and learning from yogis and sages, decided to look within. He sat still under the tree and did nothing, except focus his full attention on his breathing; he withdrew his attention from the mind. It was by this simple process that he achieved enlightenment. He then spent his entire life teaching others how to do exactly the same. You can do the same thing too, now. Do it now. If you follow the 'Water and the Tao', you'll see that there is clear cut scientific evidence that proves that 'the World' out there is actually a reflection, a mirror, a holographic projection without any solidity or substance to it. This 'reflection' shows us things about ourselves that we may not wish to see.This reflection, our world, is telling us to face and cure its sickness. We do this by withdrawing our attention and power from the sick mind. The sickness comes from identifying with the mind; you think that you are your thoughts and that is the cause of all your problems.
Relaxation and Life StyleWe need to get out of the mental rat race. We need to change our lifestyle from a fast, mad-dash, stress filled life to a relaxed mind and body, factors that effect such things as our immunity to disease, are very beneficial to our health as well as our emotional, mental and physical well being.The way to do this is to get into the body. Feel the aliveness of the body, feel the sensations, feel the joy, the pleasure of just being alive. Relax, have a massage, have a sauna - chill out. Drop your worries and your cares. Water, Fasting, Juicing, Saunas and MassageDrinking pure ionized water, fasting on water or juices, infrared saunas and therapeutic massages are great ways to relax, calm the mind and for making a shift towards an awareness of Being.
A portable infrared sauna is great thing to have at home. It is not necessary, but it does help the process by deeply relaxing the body, and if you have regular saunas, it gets the mind into the routine or habit of relaxing, letting go. Regular massages are also great ways to relax and be free of the mind, particularly non-clinical massages where the focus is on the sensual aspects of touch, the breath and the energetic levels of ones being. There is a connection between conscious relaxation, breath and Being. Think of relaxation and breath as the royal road to Being. Think of the mind as a non-being, a computer, a robot that can't feel passion, can't truly enjoy being alive or love. But you can. For another perspective of life, read:
For information on Zen, Zen Koans and Sufi Stories and Parables, read:
Compulsive Thought and The Tyranny of the MindRelaxing the mind, mind detox, means not taking your self seriously, not taking your thoughts seriously. It's about letting them go, being free from them or being free from your habitual attachment to thoughts.Look around you, the shocking pollution of the environment, the wars, the killings, the ever more sophisticated, efficient and powerful bombs, the fear, the hatred, the fascist global police state, the multinationals, the pharmaceutical cartels, the drugged and poisoned society, the greed; the divisions amongst people, the worried, unfriendly, unhappy faces, rushing to their graves - what is it that you are seeing? You are seeing the effects of the tyranny of the mind. The unconscious mind that has been left to run riot is being reflected in the world that you are seeing. Free yourself from mental tyranny and external pollution. They are one and the same thing; one is a reflection of the other. Without mental pollution there would be no external pollution. Think of it as detoxifying your mind and your body. Meditation - Sitting still, doing nothingStart your meditation by focusing attention on your breath, consciously make the breathing deeper.Observe any thoughts that arise, try not to identify with the thoughts, remember that you are not your thoughts. You are not the thinker either. You are the awareness, the presence in which thoughts arise. You are that which is aware of the world of form, the world of thought. When you find yourself occupied by a thought, try to get to the space before that thought arose or the space after the thought goes. Focus upon the space between thoughts, on the inner stillness. If you're using an FIR or other sauna as an aid, as you get uncomfortable, which you quickly will, try not to resist the bodies detox process; just relax and let it happen. Be here and now, even if you'd rather be somewhere else. After the sauna you will feel very relaxed and energized. Take a shower, stay relaxed and alert; avoid focusing on any thoughts. Continue with the deeper breathing, maintain your attention on the breath and in your body and not on any thoughts. Remember your mind is not YOU; your mind is your only 'enemy', your prison, but only because you allow it to be. Free yourself now, only you can do this. Mental relaxation, the 'switching off' of the mind (a state of no-mind or not identifying with any thought) while remaining very alert and present is the essence of meditation. You don't need to do anything else. Eckhart Tolle and The Power of NowNow and then you come across something that totally resonates and explains so much about what you are. For me, one of these things was Eckhart Tolle's simple but profound book The Power of Now.
The book is an effective guide to moving from a state of living under the tyranny of the mind to a state of inner peace and bliss. It can be thought of as the Tao Teh Ching for the modern world. Eckhart Tolle became penniless and slept on park benches in the state of absolute bliss for several years. He no longer sleeps on benches, but teaches others how to have the same state.
Eckhart says that his task is to be a nobody, that is to be without an ego. Amongst Eckhart Tolle's grateful readers are Gillian Anderson of The X Files; Cher, who says he "has changed my life"; and Meg Ryan, who introduced Oprah Winfrey to Tolle's first book, The Power of Now: A Spiritual Guide to Enlightenment. Oprah's recommendation helped his book become an international best-seller. Get the book, and read it daily. Some interviews with Eckhart Tolle:Satore in London?
Ripples on The Surface of Being Unconditioned Consciousness and the Power of Now Why NOW is bliss?Writings from Eckhart Tolle's:Being and Enlightenment
Silence and Stillness Nature The Body Inner Body In Being Male and Female are One Inner Peace: Beyond Happiness The Pain Body (includes excerpt from the tape) Origin of Fear The lotus is often found floating on muddy, dirty ponds; yet it maintains it beauty and purity, untainted by the pollution. It seeds in the bottom of muddy, dirty ponds, totally surrounded by darkness, with not a glimmer of light; it gently moves up as if an inner knowing is guiding it and eventually reaches the surface and to the light, where it flowers. As it does it improves the water around it, which becomes clearer, transparent and allows light and life to flow into the pond. It is the perfect symbol for mind-body detox. You too are like the lotus seed; surrounded by darkness, ignorance and pollution, though it may seem as if you are living in enlightened times. You too will flower and transform your world if you follow the simple, well mapped mind-body detox path. The lotus flower is a symbol of the Chinese culture, Buddhism and the path of Enlightenment. The Tibetan Ohm Mani Padmi Hum means Hail to the Jewel of the Lotus or Behold! The jewel in the lotus! It points to the inner essence of the flower, which is the essence of all of us. It contains the sum total of all that the Buddha taught:
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