Hattie Carthan Herban Farm's Annual Earth Day celebration
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
11:00 AM to 6:00 PMHattie Carthan Herban Farm between Tompkins and Throop
49 Van Buren Street, Brooklyn , NY (map)
The Hattie Carthan Herban Farm invites you to attend our Annual Earth Day celebration
11:00 - 1:00 pm- Seed starting workshop
1:30 pm to 3:30 pm - Foraged food cooking demonstration & communal meal with Farmer Yon
3:30 pm to 5pm - Planting,sifting compost and doing light farm tasks
5pm to 5:30 pm- Reclaiming our Stolen Futures Communal circle
5:30 - 6:00 pm- Musical entertainment Circle
Seed Starting Workshop description:Come join renowned plant and sound medicine practitioner Farmer Yon for a hands-on beginner Seed Starting workshop and a day of communing and Urban Agriculture on the farm. Learn great tips on how to start seeds,the importance of saving seeds, make your own germination mix ,understand the difference between heirloom and hybrid seeds. Learn to recognize the symbol of seed as potential ,preservation of culture and genetic integrity, to recognize appropriate planting seasons for different crops. and to successfully extend the planting season for a better chance at crop maturity. We will do an intentional seeding exercise and distribute free seeds and a NYC planting calendar which can help guide you through the seasons.
Reclaiming our Stolen Futures community Council description We gather the Youths of Bedford Stuyvesant to speak from the heart. We gather the women and children.We call on parents,grandparents,Earth stewards. We call on our community and planetary leaders. We recognize you all as vital to the future of our Life here on Earth. Please do not fail yourselves or this precious Earth, let us gather to speak about the conditions that are killing us. Our Soils ,Our Waterways, Our Air, Our Communities and Our EARTH. We as a collective have failed to safeguard our health, our food, our natural resources and have squandered our futures for the profits and mean gains of WAR and POLLUTION. We invite you, the owners of an EARTH which might still be reclaimed and the inheritors of systems which no longer serve you to turn to the deep wysdom and useful truths that helps sustain life through regeneration and sustainable solutions.
A little note on drums from the urban farmer and drum facilitator extraordinaire: There's tons of research,science and proof that sound is a major healing tool for humans, Sounds and rhythms help ailments such as competition, depression, Alzheimer’s, emotional and mental problems and decrease STRESS in general. I began working with sound as a young child and recorded my first meditational drum CD in 2002 to help humans to work consciously with the drums as a healing tool for personal and planetary health. It could be that when we play we tap into something we all used to do thousands of years ago and we have a cellular memory of the event. Before our grand entry to Earth life, we spend our time in our mother’s womb and in the darkness listening to the double heartbeat of our own and our mother’s hearts in a double beating pulse. We all have had some exposure and initiation to the rhythm of Mother Earth’s heartbeat through the drum.
So, if you're feeling stressed out, or half-hearted in your Earth work ,overwhelmed with empowerment emails that do not address ways for historically excluded people to build POWER or are feeling confused by all the new conversations about equity that offer no space for communities on the ground to share in equity building, join us on the farm for simple power building activities which help us feel balance ,nurtured and grounded. Tending the Earth as well as drumming results in humans releasing endorphins, the ‘feel good’ chemical in the brain . As right-brain activities, they also increase intuition. The farm is a place which teaches heady newcomers that tending the Earth and playing drum rhythms together results in the dropping of one’s ego and encourages working as a team . It means learning to assert oneself without threatening the fabric of all that we have been creating in the communities where we work,live and play.Date: April 22nd, 2015 11:00 am to 6:00 pm
Place: Hattie Carthan Herban Farm 49 Van Buren Place Between Tompkins & Throop. G train- Bedford/Nostrand B38 to Tompkins Walk 2 blocks to Van Buren
Questions call Yonnette at 347-399-1761 or hattiecarthangarden@yahoo.com