Natural’s Autobiography
When I was 6 years old in 1967, I witnessed my mother murder my pet chicken. A few days later, while eating Easter dinner with my family, my older brother was smiling and laughing. I asked him, "Why are you laughing?" He said, "You are eating your pet", as he was eating the same chicken. That was my first awareness of our eating patterns in relations to animal cruelty and my first thoughts of veganism without ever hearing the term "vegan". From 1972-1977, certain friends of mines of the Islamic influence attempted to educate me to stop eating swine with no success. In September 6, 1977, after 5 years of failure, one of my friends said the 3 magic words, "I dare you". In an instant, based upon my ego and emotions, to prove my friend wrong that I was not weak-willed, I took him up on his challenge to stop eating pork solely to prove that I can stop eating pork even though I did not believe in any benefits of eliminating pork or swine from my diet. This means I had to buy my own pots and pans as well as reading all of the ingredients on labels of what I consume and looking for code words such as shortening, lard, glycerin, various types of glycerides, etc... At this point of my life, I felt compelled to drop what I considered to be my slave name, George Gittens, and I gave myself the name “Natural”. As I became conditioned to reading all of the labels of what I consumed, I became most grossed out by the chemicals, preservatives, and other types of non-food ingredients that they put in our food supply. As older non-family member adults in my life observing me reading labels, and eating only natural foods, they would question me about my eating habits, and always challenge me to eat more natural and fast (abstain from eating) more even though they were not following their own advice. I took all of them up on all of their challenges. A neighborhood heroin attack becoming aware of my dietary progression, enlighten me to my favorite book entitled "Survival Into the 21st Century, A Planetary Healer's Guide" by Viktoras Kulvinskas. As a result of studying this book, at age 17 while still in high school, I experimented with fruitarianism (a diet of fruits only), in which I lost a lot of weight and had the greatest spiritual high ever for one whole year. I personally do not recommend this diet today due to a lack of raw vegan alkaline proteins in a diet that consist of only fruits. While trying to mind my own business and to figure out the purpose of life and creation, working nights at a fast food restaurant and getting straight “A”s without really trying, while being discriminated against by some of my white teachers [by them intentionally giving me lesser grades than I was deserving] at Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School located at 357 Clermont Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11238, I was somehow voted most popular when I graduated in 1979.
As of February 1980, while attending SUNY College at Old Westbury, as a chemistry and physics major, and later becoming a member of student government, the president of African Peoples Organization, and the Black Student Union with a powerful message to share with my college community, but too shy to perform public speaking. I told myself if I do not share my powerful message through public speaking, who else do I expect to do it for me? After 2 years of forcing myself to perform public speaking, totally fearful, I can now say that the greatest benefit I received from my college experience was not my Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and Physics, but my ability to share my powerful message through public speaking without fear to millions of people simply by asking myself "If I do not do it, who else do I expect to do it for me?"
After college, I worked as a chemist and a medical technologist for 15 years and hated it. I felt that God, the Universe, and the laws of Karma were punishing me for not being courageous enough to live my true life’s purpose. Even though I was a math and science tutor and mentor for young black males, that was not enough good for me. It was not until I met a healer by the name of Queen Afua in 1990 who was promoting the 21-day urban fast, in which I was extremely jealous of because I foolishly felt she stole my life purpose even though I never met her before. From 1990-1996, I was amazed how a black woman can motivate black people to fast [abstain from eating] and consume a vegan diet and live a healthy lifestyle, in which in my mind I personally felt that most black people I knew was not capable of becoming vegan or fasting. Queen Afua had proven me wrong. While working with Queen Afua, I became a natural living and nutritional fasting instructor and later due to my life’s work, I received an Honorary Doctorate of Divinity degree from Universal Life Church. As of 1998, I am the founder and director of the Temple of Illumination located at 138 Saint James Place, Brooklyn, New York 11238 telephone # 718-783-3465 website addresses and where we teach the methods and benefits of positive mental attitude, organic raw vegan alkaline diet, and regular exercise being necessary for an optimal healthy lifestyle.
As of September 6 2017, I would have been studying holistic health for 4 decades. To think that I began my life’s purpose based upon a friend daring me to stop eating pork, even though I believed at the time there was no benefits in eliminating swine from my diet, and I took him up on his dare simply based upon my ego and emotions to prove him wrong which is what led me on my present life’s path and journey. It is still scary for me to think if I did not take him up on his challenge, would I have remained ignorant like the masses?
Sincerely yours,
Dr. Natural
P.S. Always follow your bliss and intuition 100% 100% of your time on this planet!
I enjoyed this very much. Congratulations on using your ego courageously. We all need this lesson--I know i do. Thank you!