"Disease is inertia. Healing is movement. If you put the body in motion, you will change.....
The spirit in motion heals, expands, circles in and out of the body, moving through the layers of consciousness from inertia to ecstasy. Open to the spirit, and you will be transformed." - Gabrielle Roth
Come join me for a night of transformation and transcenDANCE. Dance is medicine. It is a way to heal yourself so that you can in turn facilitate healing for others. Come surrender to music and motion. Let it empower you, inspire you and propel you towards something greater...and being someone greater. Come connect with yourself, other humans and divine consciousness through dance.
There will be fruits (high water fruits especially) and plenty of liquid to hydrate yourself. Feel free to bring fruits as well, as is customary at fruitarian events. We can all share this AbunDANCE. There will be guided meditations during the event. Looking for reiki practitioners to amplify the experience of our moving meditation with universal energy! Come early (8 pm) if you'd like to facilitate the guided meditations and share your gifts!
Each TranscenDANCE event is going to have a theme and the music and activities for each event are going to be representative of this theme. The theme of this first TranscenDANCE event is "Radical Self-Love and Acceptance".
Come and share love and share space with other beautiful like-minded souls.
Come experience transcendence. TranscenDANCE.
This event is free to all.
I hope to see you all there.