1.) Men reach their biological sexual peak at age 18, women age 34.
2.) Men give love for sex, women give sex for love, after the sex act occurs the man stops courting the woman, the woman expects the man to continue & increase the courting.
3.) Human species are not naturally monoganous. They usually stay together due to children and / or lack of equal or better choices of life partners they are able to attract. Whatever reasons you love your partner[s] for there is always someone better in those same qualities [grass is always greener].
4.) Women are socially conditioned not to make the first move when they see a man they desire. Men are socially conditioned to pursue as many women as they can including women they really do not desire [it's all in the chase, once captured it's conquered land and time to move on to the next chase].
5.) Nowadays, women cheat more than men and are better liars when it comes to cheating.
6.) Couples without children are happier and have more money. Couples with children stay together longer [misery loves company-smile].
7.) After marriage, relationships becomes routine and stale.
8.) The best relationships are when both man / woman loves to communicate with each other [suprise communication beats great sex but both are ideal].
9.) Mutual support of common life purpose[s] is more important than love, for a couple to grow together and not grow apart [it is ideal to have both]. Most individuals do not know their life purposes nor their mate's life purpose much less having one in common.
No wonder the divorce rate is over 50% and most relationships, individuals are not happy and are cheating [remember grass is always greener-smile].
10.) Women lie about their beauty, age & weight [makeup, weaves, high heels, push up bras / panties, high heel shoes, girdles, plastic surgery, botox, wrinkle creams, etc.], men lie about their earning potential, sexual prowess, etc. [cars, jewelry, clothes they can't afford, hair transplants, viagra, penis enlargements pills or surgery-( now the ladies are laughing), etc.].
11.) Learn the 5 love languages: words of compliment / affirmation, touch [skin to skin contact including intercourse], quality time, acts of service / deeds, gifts and know what are your prioritized love languages to recieve as well as your present and / or future partner[s].
12.) Learn the 6 types of loves: romantic, mania, erotic, playful, companion, realistic and selfless. Know which types of loves you are giving and recieving.The definition of love is acceptance, the characteristics of love is patience, kindness, rejoices with truth, always protects, trusts, hopes, preserves, faithful, never fails [proof that love is blind-smile].
13.) Learn how to cultivate your sexual energy [tantra] in order to have a whole being orgasm and ascend in love [rather than fall in love-smile]. All men should learn how to have an injaculation [sperm is transmuted into sexual energy making the man holistically healthier, stronger and can last all night long if his mate desired] rather than an ejaculation otherwise known as "the little death". Orgasm means "the best", when a man ejaculates he loses the best of himself in order to create a better him / her [in your children which is why it is called procreation-smile]. Men if you know you do not want children be honest and learn to injaculate and / or put on a condom. No more absentee / Nor deadbeat dads please!
14.) Become the type of person you desire to attract, write down all of the spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, environmental, financial, etc. qualities you desire your mate to possess. List all of your dealmakers and dealbreakers for a relationship. Learn to be 100% honest with yourself and others. Identify all of your interests and frequent those locations where your interests are fulfilled.
15.) Women when you see a man who interests you, give him a sincere compliment and give him your business card [if you do not have a business card / create a contact card just for that purpose with your name, phone number, email address, etc.] and create a conversation of mutual interest by asking him what are his interests. Women and men do better jobs of buying cars and houses than they do when choosing a life partner[s].
16.) If you already in an unsatisfying, going nowhere, possibly abusive relationship get out now! we will help you to do so!
17.) If you are already in a relationship ask yourself on a scale from one to 10, 10 being the best, ask yourself what number would you give your relationship?, then ask your mate what number would he / she give your relationship?, then both of you separately write down on paper what it takes for both of you to make your relationship a 10. create a plan of action and make your relationship a 10.
18.) Join our free social network and our free singles groups on that website. If you desire further assistance in finding your ideal soulmate we meet every monday 7pm at the Temple of Illumination 138 saint james place bklyn, NY 11238
 call Dr. Natural 718-783-3465
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