Male menopause (andropause) characterized by loss of testosterone, the hormone which creates males, in men between the ages 35 to 70 years of age.
The following facts / symptoms about male menopause:

• More than 25 million men in the U.S. are now going through male menopause.

• 52% of men between the ages of 40 and 70 suffer from some degree of erectile dysfunction

• Men, like women, experience complex hormonal rhythms that effect their mood, physical well-being and their sexuality.
. Mental symptoms include short term memory loss, lack of concentration, alertness.
Physical symptoms include fatigue, weight gain, sleep disturbances, energy loss, hair loss, decreased bone density, changes in urine function and habits, changes in skin quality and hot flashes, etc.

Emotional symptoms include irritability, worry, indecisiveness, and depression. (Depression in men often manifests as anger).

Sexual symptoms include reduced libido, fear of sexual failure, and increased desire to prove that he can still perform by seeking a younger partner.

• Male, like female menopause, is like puberty the second time around, where a man must face issues of identity, sexuality, dependence, and independence.

• When a man is going through male menopause, he often finds it very difficult to be an effective parent.

Many times when men are going through their menopause they begin to nurture more of their feminine side. They may begin to enjoy art, music or other so-called feminine projects that they didn't pursue when they were more involved with the working community. The ironic thing is, when men are going through their hormonal changes, their wives may become more dominant in their lives. This is just a part of human nature, and the changes that we as humans go through in the stages of our lives.
Maintain a positive mental attitude.
 At least 80% raw vegan alkaline diet with lots of organic dark leafy greens and their juices and green smoothies. Consume organic raw vegan sources of zinc, vitamin C, D, E, and l-arginine [oatmeal, most nuts, some seeds, and chick peas] and drink at least one quart of pure water daily. It is highly recommended to start with a proper detox call Dr. Natural 718-783-3465 for details.  
Whole food and herbal supplementation such as Dr. schulze's superfood and male, prostate and ginseng formulas- call Dr. NATURAL 718-783-3465 and / or herbs such as  muira puama, ginkgo biloba, etc.
Do not get hormonal replacement therapy- too many negative side effects!  
Exercises such as the tibetan 5 rites, rebounding as well as regular exercises that you enjoy.
Limit or eliminate alcohol, all meats, diary, white rice, white flour, white sugar, unhealthy foods, thoughts and relationships.
You are the only you there ever was and will be so treat and love your body temple properly!
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