July 12
Relationship Status:
About Me:
Hello, my name is Phoenix Mary Laforest
i was born to a woman that only was able to conceive a child once a year if that, she was told she was unable to give birth. i was born July 12 1985. my birth made my mother vary sick an was a large toll on her body she was in danger dew to me being in her.. i was cut out of her as i would not come out on my own. once i was removed from her body she was well again. what ever had affected her in my birth was gone with me.. i have spent my life trying to help others an fighting to understand an accept the world i live in.. i have spent most of my youth looking for things i was told did not exist thought i looked for them anyway. i have never gone to church willingly on my own. i have entered them when no survives is taking place. during Occupy Toronto i entered St Jame's church for the first time in my adult life well there was a service. i was over powered by the song's they sung an the sound of the old organs they played. the sound brought tears to my eyes an rivers upon my face. this place was one of the only church's i every felt safe in. most times i could scene a pression from the buildings... i have bin tortured since my beginnings of this life, being sick so much when i was a child. feeling constricted by my body from day one.. an not being able to identify with my born gender.
i see my self as being both male an female at the same time. an over the last 2 years have taken to living as a female. its bin over this last two your i feel i have been waking up to the truth of my life an what i really am.. i have always had dreams of helping people or trying to escape some evil. i believe i have talked with God an Satin at some point over this time..i have bin having dreams of flying every time i dream lately. i have had dreams were i could fly before but there was more going on an the flying was more of a surprise then. in my dreams now its more of a tool that i learn to use to accomplish my missions on earth. my last one was helping sick an hurt animals... after this dream i started to wonder. what am i?