Reflexology is a very effective holistic healing technique. It restores balance and harmony to both the body and the mind which can clear the way for more attention to spirit. It is a form of massage, relating to the ‘reflex points’ on the soles of the feet and the hands. These points correspond to the organs and systems in the body, and are linked to those organs through energy channels. When illness or imbalance occurs, the corresponding ‘energy channels’ become blocked. Reflexology Massage aims to remove these blocks, allowing the energy to flow freely again.
At community events, people line up for reflexology sessions. Reflexology leaves one feeling stress-free. Our communities certainly need that.
Come and learn more about what reflexology is all about, and how you can benefit.
Energy exchange: $150, which can be applied toward the upcoming Reflexology Certification course to be held later in November. See below for more information.
The Science of Reflexology
Saturday November 4, 2017
1:30 to 5:30pm @
In Light Yoga and Health
De Reimer Avenue
Bronx, NY 10466
Contact MutShat: