Join us 718-783-3465 Dr. Natural

  1. Start the day with full force.
  2. Simplest & healthiest way to break free from the daily grind.
  3. Helps you make the most of your day.
  4. Better control of your life.
  5. Break bad habits.
  6. Add more quality and quantity to your life.
  7. You are able to live your life to the fullest.
  8. Make smarter and healthier choices in all aspects of life.
  9. Appreciate nature.
  10. Develop a communion with other runners.
  11. Seeing how things in the universe connect.
  12. Meditation becomes improved & easier.
  13. Facilitates introspection.
  14. Become more virtuous and whole.
  15. Become spiritually high and inspirational.
  16. Running is the healthiest antidepressant.
  17. Become mentally relaxed.
  18. Better able to handle stress.
  19. Better able to cope with challenges without getting panicked.
  20. Stop over thinking.
  21. Helps with anxiety and panic attacks.
  22. Better than recreational drugs.
  23. Makes you more happy and focused.
  24. Improves creativity.
  25. Be more productive.
  26. Be more confident.
  27. Become smarter.
  28. Better quick learner.
  29. Better able to adapt to changes.
  30. Better grades.
  31. Better promotions.
  32. Better opportunities.
  33. Better profits.
  34. Better self control.
  35. More child-like enthusiasm.
  36. Better mental strength.
  37. Running in a natural environment prevents mental illnesses.
  38. Better concentration.
  39. More productivity.
  40. Get your Mojo back.
  41. Better attitude & behavior.
  42. Higher level thoughts.
  43. Quality time with self.
  44. Improved mood and feelings.
  45. Fell more relaxed.
  46. Better emotional & affectionate expressions.
  47. Feel electric all day.
  48. Fine tune almost all parts and systems of the body.
  49. Regulates blood pressure better than drugs.
  50. Improves blood sugar.
  51. Will boost your metabolism.
  52. Improves body image.
  53. Burns more calories even after you stop running.
  54. Much better sleep.
  55. Better physiological functioning.
  56. Improves free testosterone levels in men, which means better libido and better sex drive.
  57. Improves sperm count and reproductive potential.
  58. Boost physiological sexual arousal in women.
  59. Couples who run together have better sex and more often.
  60. Better cholesterol levels.
  61. Reduces inflammation.
  62. Reverses age – related vascular stiffening.
  63. Reduces the chances of heart attack, stroke, cancer and other illnesses.
  64. Makes you eat a better diet.
  65. Decreased alcohol intake.
  66. Become stronger and sturdier which makes you better able to protect yourself & loved ones if necessary.
  67. Better complexion.
  68. Upright posture.
  69. Never become overweight.
  70. Improved bone health.
  71. Better core muscles.
  72. Reverse your biological clock.
  73. Reduce risks of cataracts, vision loss and blindness.
  74. Improved bone, back, legs, knees strength & skeletal metabolic fitness.
  75. Healthier lungs and the best & quickest way to stop smoking.
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